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Screen name changes


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Deadline is 17 August (two days!)


To change your display name:

  • Go to your PROFILE
  • Click the Edit my Profile button (top right)
  • Click on Display Name (left column)
  • Enter your new display name (and your password)
Some advice: Double check to make sure the name you want isn't taken and isn't too close to an existing member's display name before you change your display name. You can use spaces (i.e., you don't need to use underscores if you don't want to) and keep in mind the (negative) impact of special characters on the member BBCode.
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Deadline is 17 August (two days!)


To change your display name:

  • Go to your PROFILE
  • Click the Edit my Profile button (top right)
  • Click on Display Name (left column)
  • Enter your new display name (and your password)
Some advice: Double check to make sure the name you want isn't taken and isn't too close to an existing member's display name before you change your display name. You can use spaces (i.e., you don't need to use underscores if you don't want to) and keep in mind the (negative) impact of special characters on the member BBCode.


I do not seem to have the "Display Name" option?
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So nothing at all between "Email & Password" and "Signature" on the left hand menu? That's a bit strange, you could try logging out and in again but if it persists you can always request a manual change from an admin (within the deadline) :thumbsup:

Nope, not a thing.
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Deadline is 17 August (two days!)


To change your display name:

  • Go to your PROFILE
  • Click the Edit my Profile button (top right)
  • Click on Display Name (left column)
  • Enter your new display name (and your password)
Some advice: Double check to make sure the name you want isn't taken and isn't too close to an existing member's display name before you change your display name. You can use spaces (i.e., you don't need to use underscores if you don't want to) and keep in mind the (negative) impact of special characters on the member BBCode.


I do not seem to have the "Display Name" option?



Try 'My Settings' and skip to step 3. ;)

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D'oh! Evidently we turned it off. Let's see, we posted the announcement on 17 June, giving 60 days. Doing the math (you can envision me both taking my socks/shoes off for additional counting tools and sticking my tongue out like a dummy) ... that gives me ... ah ... 16 August. Tomorrow. (Actually, I just looked at a Julian date calendar and added 60 to the Julian date for June 17th to get August 16th :wink:).



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Just checked, it appears to be disabled are you sure you counted all your digits right Tyler? Maybe we should have one more day for Dorn :wink:


What was it you wanted again Kastor? "I♥Psykers"? I like the little heart, very bohemian but we'd need to check if the software allows the funny characters so I can't make any guarantees...

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