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long fangs and keepingthe alive past round one


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HI fellow Wolve brothers


loving the long fangs in this addition however I am having an issue with them not making it past round one before killed by deep striking terminators.


The guy I play against plays blood angels and likes his terminators and jet pack boys  so just hanging out back field does not help 


I have started adding a Termionator to the unit to try and take some of the wounds  do you guys have any other idea to help or have used.


Also forgot to say we paly 1000 point games as well 




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Have them in a back corner bubble wrapped in front with some cheep units like fenrisian wolves, 2 units in front should ensure they are a good distance away because you have filled the 9 inch gap. Other units would work if you have some mid range shooting like razorbacks aswell I recon just gotta be careful not to leave any gaps.
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Have them in a back corner bubble wrapped in front with some cheep units like fenrisian wolves, 2 units in front should ensure they are a good distance away because you have filled the 9 inch gap. Other units would work if you have some mid range shooting like razorbacks aswell I recon just gotta be careful not to leave any gaps.


What Nharvey said. Basically try to make sure that there is no space within 9" bubble that terminators or other deep strikers can get near enough to rapid fire and harrass them. Easier said than done but that's the idea. Normally I put my Rhinos and Razorbacks near them to maxmise denying deep striking.

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technically you do have the option to use the "Auspex Scan" stratagem from the SM Codex as it is availabel to all Astartes units. This allows your squad to shoot at any unit that has just arrived on the Battlefield as reinforcements within 12" although -1 to hit (2CPs). This allows your Long fangs to give the teleporting Terminators a suitably warm welcome. :smile.:
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technically you do have the option to use the "Auspex Scan" stratagem from the SM Codex as it is availabel to all Astartes units. This allows your squad to shoot at any unit that has just arrived on the Battlefield as reinforcements within 12" although -1 to hit (2CPs). This allows your Long fangs to give the teleporting Terminators a suitably warm welcome. :smile.:


I actually want to do it but its such a hassle to refer to another book strategem when your Index Astartes 1 is thick enough. Not to mention I can't remember all the generic Strategems to be able to utilize them at right time.


Rather wait for the new codex. Depending on rumours, we may not have to wait that long, at the most sometime this year at the rate the new codexes are churning out.

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Space Wolves seem a good bet for a new codex. Most of the failcast has been purged from our line with just a few remaining characters like Ragnar and Njal to deal with. We also got some new plastic Wulfen recently in the WOM campaign. Rumours are that Russ will be the next loyalist Primarch to return following on from Mortarion for Chaos. If GW stick to 2 Primarchs per year, I guess we could see Russ and his Wolves around March next year (although that is pure speculation on my part). Edited by Karhedronuk
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Not sure how Russ will look in 40k... you know the Traitor Legions Fathers are all very different from how they started out in 30k, so you can see the change in the model, but what will Russ look like, just more runes on his armour?  I do hope we get a 40k Russ as I'm not a fan of the FW model.

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Russ will definitely look different compared to his 30K incarnation. We know his armour wound up in the Temple of Horus on Rudra so he will be sporting a shiny new suit for sure.


Either that or he will be nekkid! :tongue.:

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With long fangs, ideally i'd like to put two smallish groups sort of in opposite sides of the board, as far back from the line as I think I can get away with, elevated in ruins. I prefer the 48" ones -- seems like they die fast when I use 36" guns and move them further forward.

e.g. if a guy teleports 200pts of terminators in to kill 135pts of long fangs (probably on turn 2-3, after they've already killed some stuff), and then the terminators are stuck walking 5" for the rest of the game and can never engage anything else...that's a decent trade, isn't it?

And if they're up in ruins, they have a good field of view, get a 2+ save against the storm bolters, and are harder to assault.


I mean something like: if you know he's going to go after them with big units of terminators...maybe you can use that to your advantage. Stick small squads way back in the corners, as bait...so he jumps big squads of termies in there, spends some time killing a small squad of long fangs dug in line an alabama tick, and then is stranded in that corner for the rest of the game.

Edited by jerrys
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Still holding out for old, grizzled, Odin-like Russ with a spear. Even with an eyepatch for irony's sake. :biggrin.:


Very much this. I remember reading around here that he went into the Great Crusade as a Blood Claw, through the Heresy as a Grey Hunter, so logic holds he should return in the 41st millennium as a Long Fang.


As for the main topic, I have found two strategies help, beyond just keeping them in cover or ruins for a 2+ save. The first is to have juicier targets. I'll have razorbacks, dreadnoughts, and the like charging forward, smashing into the opponent. The enemy ignores them at their own peril. The second tactic is to have a counter-assault unit on hand. Besides making it harder to get close to the old guys, it also means the terminators will not escape unpunished. As mentioned, Fenrisian Wolves serve admirably for this, due to a -1 AP and their cheapness, but I have used Blood Claws in Razorbacks to good effect as well. Doubly so if they have plasma guns they can overcharge.

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I have found a solid way of keeping LF alive: bunkers/bastions. Throw a unit of LC or ML long fangs in a bunker or bastion, and place it in as open an area as you can, then place an IP on a bike "behind" it to repair as needed. Forts are vehicles now, and as such count as "closest unit" when trying to target characters.


Granted, bunkers "only" have 12 wounds, so a reasonable concentration of heavy weapons can bring it down, but then that is that much less heavy weapons hitting your real units. Either way, your long fangs will survive a LOT longer when they can't be targeted at all :)


Additionally, the 8e rules allow you to target from anywhere on the bunker, giving your LFs an even better LoS in some cases. Throwing them in a bastion is kinda nuts, as they get a massive boost in LoS, and an even sturdier wall to hide behind.

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After the FAQ we can take a WGPL in TDA with a storm shield. For ~40 points you add some sturdy ablative wounds. It also enhances the combat effectiveness of the unit. If your opponent wants to clear them from your backfield they will have to dedicate a beefier assault unit to do it.

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After the FAQ we can take a WGPL in TDA with a storm shield. For ~40 points you add some sturdy ablative wounds. It also enhances the combat effectiveness of the unit. If your opponent wants to clear them from your backfield they will have to dedicate a beefier assault unit to do it.

I often run a unit of 4-5 LC LFs with a TDAWG using a SS/SB/CML, and it works awesome.

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