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Laying waste to Tyranids.


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Help please brothers. I wanna play my newly built Assault Centurions but wonder if it's actually better to load up and go in with some shooty Crusader Squads.


Only 1000 points, so the Centurions in a Raven wipes a lot if that out!!


Advice for a newbie?

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Centurions in a Raven seem rather rough for a 1k point game.  On the one hand, it's a lot of hurt.  On the other, Tyranids can bring down Assault Centurions by sheer weight of dice easily enough, so having more bodies on the board is useful.


Unfortunately, since there's no risk to a unit when it falls back from combat, only having one heavy hitting squad means they get a single turn to smash something, before it falls back and your fancy assault unit gets buried in bullets (or whatever gribbly crap Tyranids shoot).


A Raven is nice either way, and hard to kill, which is very important for that many points.  If the enemy has flying units that can charge it you could be in for some annoyance, but overall I'd generally recommend them.  


But at 1k...hm...

Edited by Firepower
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Stormravens would be brutal, but points heavy in a 1k game... but instead of using it as a transport, you could use it as a gunship instead... I mean even if they have Gargoyles, they wouldn't be enough to crash a Raven even with 3 turns, unless there are literally bucket loads of them or he's got the dice of the warp-gods themselves... the transport role could come in later if you need late objective grabs or just to contest objectives... but I'd rather have a Raven than a LRC all the time, mainly because while the Land Raider can be tied down to not shooting because of a few Gaunts, the Raven has to be tied down by units that has the FLY keyword... and in the Index: Xenos Nid section, there's not much of those that can deal a lot of damage...

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If they bring many big monsters Centurions are very good.


In my last game against Nids a squad of three Centurions killed an Haruspex and a Carnifex as well as some Gargoyles (stupid idea to charge) and only lost one and a half brother. The drills are extremely good to kill monster and tanks in one CC

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