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Friendly Tournament Ideas


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I am looking for ideas for prize categories for a friendly tournament that is being planned at the local hobby store in my area. Were calling it the non-tournament tournament, forces will be limited to 1000 pts, a single detachment, probably just battalion. This is ment to be a fun tournament not necessarily ITC type competitive (though we know full well someone will treat it as such).



Easy thoughts are:



Best painted


Best Conversion


Most Thematic (something like some named character with something that always accompanied them, or some unit from some famous battle.) I need some help figuring this one out.



and any ideas that other people have seen at a tournament that were really fun? I would like to have more then just Hobby related categories so I really hope the community here has seen something that was fun.

Edited by kalenein
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You have to use a different word then fun, to describe what you want. Because fun is subjective. Most of the people attending the big events do have fun. What do you want to achive with the tournament? makes people met new people, start new armies, paint their stuff etc Is it ment for people with xp in table top gaming[be it or be it not w40k], or is it for fresh starting people.


Because each on of those could change how the even ends up. If the people at the tournament have huge collections, then maybe they want more narrative scenarios/missions[but then what do you do with people that just have 1500-1850pts]. If painting is the focus, you can use even book scenarios. Neither of the events would work like a GT, but would be different in game play.


most important thing in an even is A clear rules B people that are suppose to play, have to feel as if they are doing something/not wasting their time. No one wants to spend 6-8 hours doing something they do not want to do[specially if there is also an entry fee].


So need more info, to get better advice.

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What I mean is what was fun to you, as the reader of this article, yes fun is subjective but I want to know what was fun to you. To draw on your(the readers) life experiences, I already know my own. If its helpful assume there is no entry fee, and that there are a bunch of new local players so we want this event to feel welcoming to them.

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Competitive players don't have a monopoly on the word "fun". I can't believe you would even tell someone that he can't call his event "fun" because that's too vague. Like, seriously?


It's extremely, 110% obvious to anyone who isn't a pompous expletive that he meant a casual easygoing non-competitive event. There's a reason they call GTs "competitive" and not "fun", even if many people find competition fun.

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Hi kalenein

I think this sounds like a great idea


I dig the idea of having a tournament without the competitive edge. You might find it helpful to clarify for yourself whether you want it to be explicitly "beginner friendly" or whether you want it to be something that experienced players will feel more incentivised to join. The reason I ask is because my local GW has run both kinds in the past, and both have been really fun but are slightly different.


If you want it to be beginner friendly, be very explicit about this - not only will this encourage new players to take part, it should also signal to more experienced players that they need to take "easier" lists, and come prepared on the day to play newer players. Allow a little extra time for each round. In terms of prizes, you might get people to keep a tally of their number of wounds caused and suffered in each game have something like "Skull collector" (most wounds caused for the day) and "red shirt" (most wounds suffered for the day)


If you go for something that is less beginner friendly but still not for the WAAC crowd, you might want to try a narrative campaign day. The new narrative missions in the rule book make this easier than ever. You can make this is complicated or simple as you want, but it can be as easy as making up a planet and allocating people into two teams on the day, and tallying victories for both sides to determine an overall winner. Your prizes can then reflect this, with prizes for best generals on both teams, or other prizes that tie in closer to the narrative that you forge.


Not sure if this is what you're after, but just some suggestions

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What I mean is what was fun to you, as the reader of this article, yes fun is subjective but I want to know what was fun to you. To draw on your(the readers) life experiences, I already know my own. If its helpful assume there is no entry fee, and that there are a bunch of new local players so we want this event to feel welcoming to them.

I like tournaments with high class opponents. that was fun for me.


If there are a lot of new players, then

A make the rules pack easy. No crazy scenarios, no quadruple stacking bonus rules etc

B don't make the painting/modeling aspect too dominating. It is not fun to most players, if they find out that 50% of points are in painting/modeling and their first army has to compet vs those of vets. Having a separate prize is a good idea.

C some sort of social stuff is good, prize to last guy, maybe best/only in faction prize. Maybe one round played as a team game

D Not too many rounds, and try to not have anyone getting a buy. And if you can't, then give the buy to the vets, they played enough games in their life. Few things are worse for a new player, then comming to a tournament and sitting out the first round, because there are not enough players.

E Limiting some of the rules[mostly on the vets side] is a good idea. Fewer number of detachments, limit to FW[no new player should see what two punishers do to their army in first game] in some sort, maybe limit LoW[knights lists mostly]. In general anything that requires deep knowladge to counter, is not good for new players events.

F If possible, try to avoid  the vets vs noob pairings in the first round.

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Most fun I have at tournaments are doubles events. If you could somehow encourage new players and vets to pair up it would be a good way for them to learn. It's a very social way to play and with 4 people it means there is usually someone at the table who knows any obscure rule. Also it can filter out 'that guy' since no one will want to play with them.
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Thanks everyone for the Great Idea's! I really appreciate them. this is what we have decided for our friendly "Non-Tournament Tournament".



1000 pts.

Single detachment single faction: Battalion only

No Forge World

No Knights / Lords of War



3 rounds first round is a doubles match (random pairings) all allies will be considered allies of convenience.



Prize categories


Skull Collector (most wounds caused)


Red Shirt (most Wounds Suffered)


Best Painted army


Most unique Conversion


Best Army Theme (paint + story + units chosen) (think like last of the Rynns Guard, some named necron lord and there dynasty, or cypher and the fallen)


Best General (Good sportsmanship / best opponent look for someone that is trying to help everyone have a good time not just win every battle)

Edited by kalenein
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I would make a minor exception on the "no Forge World" rule.


Allow FW models that are being used in place of 40k legal units. Example: It is fairly common among Raven Guard players to use Dark Fury models as twin claw Vanguard.


Otherwise I agree with it. A lot of FW stuff is overpowered.

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