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Hounds of Leng


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The Hounds of Leng are my new Chaos warband that I will be establishing to re-enter 40k with 8th edition. As a long time IG player and interested to do Chaos this time round I thought I'd do both with a Traitor Marine/Guard allied force. There is some fanon about here if anyone's interested.


I want to do a pestilent yellow colour scheme but I can't find any examples of similar schemes, does anyone have any tips or examples please?

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Thanks Mister Feral - I think I basically want to go for yellow Death Guard (plus have starter models so) so rusted bone armour with yellow insignia, maybe Zamesi Desert?

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That's the idea, I want a Chaos Undivided warband but one with character - basically they worship/serve Ynoggua a powerful daemon whose summoning ritual involved blowing up a Sun and didn't work out. Ynoggua is now trapped in the form of a daemon-star in the Leng system, stable in realspace but unable to directly intervene.This has led to him building up a following across the Verana Sector (my sandbox setting). To the various CSM pirates under his wing he is a patron-daemon almost but to many of the cultists and traitor guard Ynoggua is a god in his own right.


So I want influenced by the King in Yellow, pale tattered yellow colour scheme with plenty of Wordbearer-esque religious icongraphy.


Other elements include the Uropygids, a chaos-worshipping psychic xeno races (Mi-Go/Elder Things) who helped birth Ynoggua and are a secretive part of the Cult of Leng.

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Other elements include the Uropygids, a chaos-worshipping psychic xeno races (Mi-Go/Elder Things) who helped birth Ynoggua and are a secretive part of the Cult of Leng.

There are a lot of good Mi-Go minis out there. What do you want the Uropygids to be on the table top? The Ynoggua write-up makes it sound like they are relatively rare; maybe rather than having squads of them, you could use them to represent specific characters, like chaos sorcerers or malefic lords.

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Other elements include the Uropygids, a chaos-worshipping psychic xeno races (Mi-Go/Elder Things) who helped birth Ynoggua and are a secretive part of the Cult of Leng.

There are a lot of good Mi-Go minis out there. What do you want the Uropygids to be on the table top? The Ynoggua write-up makes it sound like they are relatively rare; maybe rather than having squads of them, you could use them to represent specific characters, like chaos sorcerers or malefic lords.


Yeah I was thinking as sorcerors. I haven't written it all up but the Uropygids are a virtually dead race, the 'birth' of Ynoggua sacrificing their home system by a cabal of Chaos mages so their numbers are basically this remaining evil elite. Good call on miniatures, I think these fellas from Actung! Cthulhu fit the bill, with additional Chaos-y bits they'd look the part.

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Thanks Mister Feral - I think I basically want to go for yellow Death Guard (plus have starter models so) so rusted bone armour with yellow insignia, maybe Zamesi Desert?

As long as one of the colours is really saturated in pigment and the other is more muted / paler in contrast, then that'd work.

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Other elements include the Uropygids, a chaos-worshipping psychic xeno races (Mi-Go/Elder Things) who helped birth Ynoggua and are a secretive part of the Cult of Leng.

There are a lot of good Mi-Go minis out there. What do you want the Uropygids to be on the table top? The Ynoggua write-up makes it sound like they are relatively rare; maybe rather than having squads of them, you could use them to represent specific characters, like chaos sorcerers or malefic lords.


Yeah I was thinking as sorcerors. I haven't written it all up but the Uropygids are a virtually dead race, the 'birth' of Ynoggua sacrificing their home system by a cabal of Chaos mages so their numbers are basically this remaining evil elite. Good call on miniatures, I think these fellas from Actung! Cthulhu fit the bill, with additional Chaos-y bits they'd look the part.


I almost suggested those very same figures. They are beautiful. I have some Cthulhu Wars mi-go and they are alright but the Achtung! fungi are the best fungi IMHO.


It might be cool to subtly use elements of your paint scheme to tie in these otherwise super-weird looking critters. You may not even need to convert them, but if you do post pictures!

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Other elements include the Uropygids, a chaos-worshipping psychic xeno races (Mi-Go/Elder Things) who helped birth Ynoggua and are a secretive part of the Cult of Leng.

There are a lot of good Mi-Go minis out there. What do you want the Uropygids to be on the table top? The Ynoggua write-up makes it sound like they are relatively rare; maybe rather than having squads of them, you could use them to represent specific characters, like chaos sorcerers or malefic lords.


Yeah I was thinking as sorcerors. I haven't written it all up but the Uropygids are a virtually dead race, the 'birth' of Ynoggua sacrificing their home system by a cabal of Chaos mages so their numbers are basically this remaining evil elite. Good call on miniatures, I think these fellas from Actung! Cthulhu fit the bill, with additional Chaos-y bits they'd look the part.


I almost suggested those very same figures. They are beautiful. I have some Cthulhu Wars mi-go and they are alright but the Achtung! fungi are the best fungi IMHO.


It might be cool to subtly use elements of your paint scheme to tie in these otherwise super-weird looking critters. You may not even need to convert them, but if you do post pictures!



Yes I'd think so for the colour scheme in terms of conversions nothing serious save the arms for suitable weapons - was thinking adding the linked horns of the Chaos sorcerer onto the 'head' of one of the Mi-Gos. Also if I go all Nurgle (which I'm tempted by) a little green stuff and I can have the Mi-Go suits have three triangular eyes subtly adding to the theme. Then rusted, chipped bone and brass armour and diseased flesh and maybe some extra GS Nurgly decay.



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Sounds like a solid plan. Nurgle has a lot of overlap with the elements of rot and creeping corruption as presented in The King in Yellow. I can't think of a more fitting chaos god.

By the way, if you like the 'linked horn' look, there are heads from the fantasy range (chaos knight and chaos warrior sprues comes to mind) that might be a little easier to work with. Pic related. Might be easier and cheaper to use those while still achieving the same look.

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Thanks Azekai, I'll keep them bits in mind.


Nurgle would fit well with the theme. I've also just seen Maxime Pastourel's incredible bleach bone Plague Marines which have given me a lot of inspiration. I'll await the Death Guard Codex to decide if I go all out Nurglite but its certainly appealing.

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