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Would you play against 3D printed models?

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So I'm 3-d printing a tarantula sentry turret, with the intent of using it in games, and may print more if it turns out well.


My question to you is, if someone showed up to games with 3-d printed models, looking to use them in the game, would you play with them, or allow their 3-d printed models in the game?


I ask for casual gaming (outside GW and tournaments), not official gaming. I know they wouldn't be allowed in tourneys.


Do the frateri and sorori have objection to this or are you fine with it?

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As long as they're close to the right size and shape, I'd play against them. Though to be fair, if you're just copying the FW models and printing that, I'm sure some questions could be made as to the legality of that (in regards to IP) but otherwise, it's probably best to ask your gaming group on their opinions.

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It would fully depend on your gaming group, but if you were going to a friends for a kitchen table fight of old, then i wouldnt any issues if you asked first and had the rules to had, especially if you were looking to potentially buy some in the future and wanted to see how effective they were first.
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I still play with people who use the old Space Crusade Tarantulas and they are a totally different size to the current ones, size isnt important when people use MK6 beakies and Primaris in the same army. 

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I wouldn't care. I like to use GW models but there's no reason for me to care if someone else uses something else. I'd actually want to pick it up and look at it closer if it's 3D printed, since that's pretty dang cool :D
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This, I think, is going to be a big debate going forward. Other than using different technology is it any different than awesome scratchbuilds using plasticard and green stuff, so long as you are only producing for personal use?

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So I'm 3-d printing a tarantula sentry turret, with the intent of using it in games, and may print more if it turns out well.


My question to you is, if someone showed up to games with 3-d printed models, looking to use them in the game, would you play with them, or allow their 3-d printed models in the game?


I ask for casual gaming (outside GW and tournaments), not official gaming. I know they wouldn't be allowed in tourneys.


Do the frateri and sorori have objection to this or are you fine with it?

I wouldn't have any issue with it if you gave some to me.

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This, I think, is going to be a big debate going forward. Other than using different technology is it any different than awesome scratchbuilds using plasticard and green stuff, so long as you are only producing for personal use?


I've got a scratch built Hellblade, it looks awesome and no one has said a thing about it.

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Funny thing about the manager at the-and I emphasize-local[/iGW is fine with some 3d printed stuff, and hasn't said anything about a plasma cannon on a devastator.


I am custom-designing something for Armies on Parade, completely 3-d printed, and he's fine with me using it (and in games, it's up to the opponent. The manageris really laid back and I'm really lucky.) I do not intend on selling it (or these tarantulas), and I found this design elsewhere-it is not mine-so I am not breaking any laws as far as I know, as I plan on just using them for myself and I didn't pay for the files.


And as to gaming group-given I don't have an official established 'group,' it will probably be on a case-by-case basis with opponents. I'll let you all know about quality and such later.

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As long as it's painted nicely, it's fair game. If you plop down a 3D printed army, unpainted, with the print lines still on your models & a binder of printed PDF rules, I might have a second thought :)

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This, I think, is going to be a big debate going forward. Other than using different technology is it any different than awesome scratchbuilds using plasticard and green stuff, so long as you are only producing for personal use?


I've got a scratch built Hellblade, it looks awesome and no one has said a thing about it.


Which is my point. Scratchbuilds have always been fine and sometimes they look brilliant, 3d printing seems to me just a new way of scratch building. So long as your (general address) thing is WYSIWYG I don't see a problem.

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If you custom designed it from scratch, i'd be fine. As far as I'm concerned thats just scratch building using a different set of tools.

If it was an existing miniature scanned in or something, then I wouldn't be as I dont support counterfeiting.

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If you custom designed it from scratch, i'd be fine. As far as I'm concerned thats just scratch building using a different set of tools.

If it was an existing miniature scanned in or something, then I wouldn't be as I dont support counterfeiting.

Is it counterfeiting to scratchbuild, say, a Land Raider entirely out of plasticard? I can't recall the source exactly but I know I've seen in some corner of the internet people building stuff that's almost indistinguishable from the official model out of plasticard and rivets 9so many rivets, I don't know how the guy didn't go mad).


Again, if you take the view that 3D printing is another tool for scratch-building (which is certainly where I'm leaning), why should it have to be a custom design?


Does the counterfeit argument only come in when you're creating for others?


I've press moulded some OOP FW purity seals for personal use, is that counterfeiting?


Not sure I have definitive answers, but I think they're interesting questions.


For what it's worth I don't believe any scratchbuilding for personal use is counterfeiting.

Edited by sockwithaticket
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In terms of counterfeiting, scratch building a Land Raider wouldn't be. You would have put the work in yourself. It's the same difference between sculpting an Ork boy out of green stuff, and making a mold of an existing boy.


If you're gaining the benefits of the work of others without compensating them, then thats where I would personally have an issue.


A whole other can of worms would be opened if selling anything was involved.

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