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Question about Summmoning...


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So I have a question. So say I have Typhus and at the end of turn 1 movement he deep strikes in and gets a 9" charge off and is locked in combat. Turn 2 happens and he is still in combat but doesn't move in the movement phase (since he is locked in combat) can he summon even when locked in combat? I want to say yes because it says he cant move in the movement phase and he isn't. If this works it would be a good way to get some troops up the board fast. Thanks in advance

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There is no stipulation about combat so RAW it would be fine.


However, what'll most likely happen is that they'll fall back and start pointing Lascannons at him...

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Yeah for the current time... Though as a word of suggestion/thought, I deem it very likely that Poxwalkers will be your default better choice with Thypus. You can't summon them and all that but it's much less of a hassle and doesn't disrupt the very likely upcomming Death Guard Legion Trait rules.

So far Daemons and CSM dont mix really well... I hoped Word Bearers would but even they don't mix particularly well.

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