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Question about Grav-Flux Bombard

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I couldn't find any answers in the FAQ, so i thought i'd come here.


So, the grav-flux bombard is a Heavy D3 and has the following special rule:


If the target has any of the Monster, Vehicle, or Titanic keywords then the amount of damage suffered becomes 5 per hit.  For every five models in the target unit, add D3 to the number of attacks made by this weapon.


Would this mean that for units of 4 and smaller, it only does the D3 shots, but for 5-9 models it does the 2D3, for 10-14 it does 3D3 and so on?


I have seen some claim that it only does the 2D3 for units of 6 and up, i.e. D3 shots per five models...which does seem counter to the RAW (which, as noted above, states to add 1D3 per five).


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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is another question based on the wording. Is it 5 damage per hit or 5 per wound? A soulburner does damage just by hitting but it doesnt have a strength. Or does it simply autowound vehicles, monsters, and titanics?

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Good question, actually. It doesn't have the text similar to the soul burner that says it inflicts wounds based on hits instead of normal damage, but at the same time it does say 5 damage per hit as opposed to per shot or per wound. Nice.


Forge World quality control FTW.

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It have a Strength value, doesn't inflicts mortal wounds and have a damage value of 2. So I'd go to use it as any other weapon, because otherwise is would be game breaking with an average of 7,5 damage that cannot be saved without an invuln.


The wording looks like a typo and it should be addressed by FW. They can try and fix the wording of the Butcher Cannon in the same move.

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