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Terminator Warpsmith


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Now that I've learned that a Warpsmith got much cheaper, I am really forward fielding several of them.

I was thinking because the flesh metal relic of the iron warriors gives a 2+ save, if it would be viable to model that warp Smith as wearing a terminator Armour. Does anyone of you know a good start or example for that? How would you create the tendrils?

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That's a really good idea! Don't need to worry about the relic though - Warpsmiths have a natural 2+ save so the relic would be better used on someone who benefits from all of it.


Anyway, back to conversion possibilities...

As he is not wearing proper Terminator armour (I.e. Your Warpsmith doesn't have an Inv save),

I think you should use the Kor Phaeron ForgeWorld model as the base. This could represent a hybrid power/terminator suite as the Terminator Armour has been built around the Power armour of the base model - thus, why he lacks an Inv.

The Word Bearers details would be easy to remove.

You would probably want different arms though.


Tendrils - Helbrute Power Scourge. These are perfect. If you have/want the kit and aren't going to use them they will do what you need. Just stick them on the back.


As for the Melta/Flamer, you could use arms from the Ashen Circle where they are holding them. Doesn't matter that they aren't terminator armour, it kind of works with the hybrid look and makes sense for his arms to be less restricted to do work.

Alternatively, they could be shoulder mounted like the Mechanicum Myrmidons.

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Iron Hand Iron Father from Forge world be a good start. Has a servo arm, power axe and a volkite (can be plasma). For tendrils you could use guitar wire or Zinge Industries makes this poseable resin power cables that you can stick in place then put in a nice pose.

The only issue is base size as fleshmetal is an upgrade the model will still be on a 32mm though personally as a player I wouldn't have a problem against warpsmith on a slightly bigger base. Speaking from a tactical point, warpsmiths are already getting that 2+save as they have fleshmetal armour like obliterators. 

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Yeah the Fleshmetal exoskeleton is wasted on a Warpsmith, as you'll want him with your metal beasties who don't take morale checks anyway, it is far better to have it on a Daemon Prince, Dark Apostle, Lord or Sorcerer. Combine it with the Warlord Trait that negates Morale and stick with a large blob of Cultists and drive them forward either re-rolling '1's' for mass small arms, magic them to make them either harder to remove, or re-rolling failed hits in combat for zurg rushing. Meanwhile stick your Warpsmiths with your vehicles for a pain in the backside to shift.


Another thing you can do with Warpsmiths and stick them with Buildings. Chaos Bastions have the "vehicle" and "chaos" keyword and so can be repaired by Warpsmiths. Load a Bastion (or 3) with Havocs and Warpsmiths, combine with mass cultist Meatshield and aforementioned Slave master and an army that drives forward and will not die, particularly if you combine with the "Tide of Traitors" special rule and bring back 40 strong squads of cultists when they're nearly dead along with a solid firebase of 12 Missile Launchers and 12 Heavy Bolters.

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