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I did a few attempts at searching....could not find the answer


Using plastic magic for gluing up my Reviers.  Instead of assembling totally, I want to prime and paint before final assembly.  Like, do the body head legs on...then paint, add arms, power plant, purity seal after everything all painted.


do I need to scrape the paint off, or can i just glue that right on there over the paint?  Sorry, really new.

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Scrape the paint off or mask the joints with poster tack. Plastic glue can dissolve its way through paint, but why do that when you can have a clean connection. Super glue requires no paint between the joints. For marines it's pretty easy to paint before assembling due to the flat and easy connections.

No problem. One warning is that some glues will 'frost' up or cause paint to run. Make sure you scrape well, and if there is a possibility of having glue squeeze out of the join and onto painted parts be ready to wipe off with paper towel, and you may need to touch up. It's nothing major and I've never ruined a model, but it is something to be aware of. Less is more with glue. Worst case it breaks, you scrape off the glue, and re-glue with more glue than you used the first time.


Another suggestion is to score the surfaces with a hobby knife. That will provide a little more surface area for the glue to grab on to. It may not make a difference in the end, but it makes me feel better and I tend to over engineer stuff.

I use liquid masking fluid.  It basically goes on with a brush and you can peel it off when you're ready to glue parts together.  It's made by the same company that does Micro-Set and Micro-Sol (decal setting solutions) but I'm sure other companies make it too (I think I recall seeing one from Vallejo?)

While you can use super glue, you will be gluing paint layer to paint layer so it will never be as strong as if you actually glued the base material together. Often this is perfectly fine but it is an issue.


Resin is aborbant, so you really want to be glueing bare resin to bare resin in that case.

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