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Sicaran ,Scorpius and Leviathan good in 8th?


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How are these doing in 8th? I'm currently looking at adding them (any loudout advice for the leviathan? Dual butcher looks good as does grab flux and soulburner although to make use of machine malifica a close combat arm seems like a good option? It looks easy enough to magnitise though?) to my death guard. I'll probably wait for the new codex and see how good the new tank is as it looks like it could compete with the scorpius.
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I was looking at some of these for my DG as well, I'm waiting until the new codex drops though. Foot slogging highly resilient infantry seems to be our thing, so I want stuff that can match that, Leviathans and Contemptors can fit that role. I also want a fellglaive if we can take that.
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The Leviathan is absolutely fantastic.


A DG player at my local runs one, and played against me. He equipped it with 2 Grav Flux Bombards. Over 3 turns it destroyer a Landraider, a Sicaran and some Rhinos.

In a differen game against Astra Militarum it was killing 40+ conscripts a turn, and doing massive damage against tanks.


You can take a Sorc/DP and cast warp time, which completely mitigates it's short range firepower.

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There is a recent battle report on youtube, ultrasmurfs versus tyranids, where the smurfs player brings a loyalist scorpius and it does something crazy like 20 wounds over the course of the game. It was by Glacial Geek. He was targeting Old One Eye, and some of the larger tyranids with it and doing very well.

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I Pen a sicaran with 3 HB and ACC. It des fine, but the 3x Quad Heavy Bolter Rapier Do better with 36 Shops compared to 9 HB / 8 ACC Shops and for 25 Points cheaper.


Leviathan with Double gravflux do greate well. So dies the scorpius.


For our army, Double gravflux is propably more important due to Lack of solid anti tank in our army.

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