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Lo folks,


As I have an ironic love for bugs (Blood Angels Player) I felt we needed a tactics Thread as well as to share some of my little tricks and the like I have found useful.


So let's start off with a gew easy ones.


Biovores and overwatch: This one is quite simple yet brilliant, if a unit of these gribblies get assaulted you can overwatch, any misses will result in spores being spawned. It makes an exceptional wall/mortal wound mind field for the said charger, if the opponent fails the charge then you get to double up in your shooting phase.


Mawlocs x2: I feel like while one Mawloc is good, two are almost essential to make/ force your opponent to rethink his/her lines and deployment.


Gargoyles and Chafe: I have found that while they aren't extrodinary by any stretch, I absolutely love these guys. Being able to bounce about the board to claim objectives, or charge in as a meat shield to keep the overwatch casualties on things you really need to get into combat make them for an excellent all rounder unit in my opinion.


Adrenal Glands are more important to toxic sacs by the fact that if you want to first turn assault from a tyranocite or two you only need an 8" roll rather than the standard 9"


There's some things in hear that are easily picked up, but I wanted to add them just to have them written down for people learning the army, etc.


Let's hear some neat gems you've found while playing your bugs!



Edited by Dont-Be-Haten
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  On 8/17/2017 at 11:35 AM, Dont-Be-Haten said:

Lo folks,


As I have an ironic love for bugs (Blood Angels Player) I felt we needed a tactics Thread as well as to share some of my little tricks and the like I have found useful.


So let's start off with a gew easy ones.


Biovores and overwatch: This one is quite simple yet brilliant, if a unit of these gribblies get assaulted you can overwatch, any misses will result in spores being spawned. It makes an exceptional wall/mortal wound mind field for the said charger, if the opponent fails the charge then you get to double up in your shooting phase.


Mawlocs x2: I feel like while one Mawloc is good, two are almost essential to make/ force your opponent to rethink his/her lines and deployment.


Gargoyles and Chafe: I have found that while they aren't extrodinary by any stretch, I absolutely love these guys. Being able to bounce about the board to claim objectives, or charge in as a meat shield to keep the overwatch casualties on things you really need to get into combat make them for an excellent all rounder unit in my opinion.


Adrenal Glands are more important to toxic sacs by the fact that if you want to first turn assault from a tyranocite or two you only need an 8" roll rather than the standard 9"


There's some things in hear that are easily picked up, but I wanted to add them just to have them written down for people learning the army, etc.


Let's hear some neat gems you've found while playing your bugs!



I had a real hatred for Gargoyles early on but I agree that they definitely serve a purpose. Whether it's to keep them in the backfield to hold an objective or spread out to deny deep strike they're handy at what...60 pts for 10 of them? I need to start using them more for assaulting purposes to eat overwatch. 

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