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What if the Rak'Gol are the survivors of the Interex...

Guest Triszin

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Guest Triszin

The Interex were known to have centuar like body suits, what if some Interex survived and over the millenia due to radiation and warp exposure they've slowly devolved into these strange things?



WOuld be a cool way to bring the Interex into 40k at the same time them being Cyber devolved Cuthulu style elder Horrors

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My guess would be no, simply for the fact that the Rak'ghoul seem to have come about from FFP. I'm not sure how willing GW is to use something that could possibly lead to IP lawsuits when it could just be forgotten about and something different could be done.
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Guest Triszin

the interex werent centaurs from what i can remeber? They were tall and lithe for human standards with elongated ear/earlobes.

the centaur class soldier of the interex was just a type of combat suit?

ya should've explained a bit more.


but the centuar body suits gave them the appearance of being centaur like, so whos to say that they didnt devolve and grow dependant on the cybernetic augmentations/suits. with the damage of mutations caused by radiation, and the warp and the continued use of cybernetics they slowly became these things.


The rak guls limbs are described as malleable, changing the number of fingers, even if they had fingers, legs and hand to suit the rak gols needs. 

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