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Chosen/Possessed in 8th?


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A question to possessed: what has changed with the new box? Just the base size? Or are these whole new models?


Deffo not new models, prob just 32mm bases. We've been stuck with the current kit since the Gavdex was released. Some parts aren't bad but other parts of the kit are dated and quite silly. Looking at the new Death Guard models makes me so unbelievably excited for what GW could give us... yet they don't!


A lot of people use FW Gal Vorbak, but they are expensive.


As far as in games goes, they're okay. Changeling Alpha Legion -1/-2 to hit them 4++ save is cool, as is the Slaanesh angle. The D3 attacks just sucks because you know you'll roll that 1 when you need them to count & it's not the sort of roll you want to burn a CP on tbh.

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With luck, Fabius gives them +1 and bone of change too :D


and if you fight a tough "important" enemy unit, or maybe a multicharge against 3-4 units. I burn a cp of course to get more than 1 Attack



/edit: what do you think will fit in the list to reach 1850/2000 points?

Edited by Bluthusten
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With luck, Fabius gives them +1 and bone of change too :biggrin.:


and if you fight a tough "important" enemy unit, or maybe a multicharge against 3-4 units. I burn a cp of course to get more than 1 Attack



/edit: what do you think will fit in the list to reach 1850/2000 points?


Herald can also cast "Boon of Change" on the possessed for a second buff on top of the Fabius bile buff.


As for other things to fit in the list. Daemon Prince? The new FAQ gave them legion traits too. 

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You can mitigate the low attack problem by running slaanesh possessed with the icon (presuming the proper opponent, of course). My fav is to run them with a DP who drops prescience; it effectively increases their attack stat by 50%, since DTTFE would trigger on a 4+.
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My personal Chosen mix is two combi meltas, two combi plasmas, power fist on the champ then two bolter guys and three chainsword guys. Three of that squad in Rhinos is working nicely for me.


I was gonna run them as Iron Warriors, but this thread reminded me about the infiltrate stratagem of the Alpha Legion and now I'm torn. Especially since the army it's morphed from was my Alphas in the first place.



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Yea totally. I meant slaanesh is an option for those who think they don't have enough damage output.


Tzeentch is good for durability. Plus you can use a blue scribes for a garentee buff spell and a bit of psychic defense for less than the cost of a Herald. Same buff as Fabius bile, no risk

Edited by intel31337
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For now I'm thinking about to kick out Fabius...with bad luck he kills 2-3 models maybe "just" for +1str... I'm trying to get competitive with this list a want to maximize it. Cause i rly like the idea of a big fat blob of Possessed in the middle of the field. Rushing torwards unable to shot. I just need something nice around them, and something to kill a knight haha
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Well yeah Fabius definitely is no competetive choice lol

But then again, so aren't Possessed if you are playing a mixed god army since then you could just take Berzerker instead. ^^

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Yeah...but we need to combine the rule of cool (20 Possessed surrounded by magic and flickering might) and the fact that i will bring this to a tournament and reach top ~7 (from 20) :D






New idea guys:


Infiltrate Posessed + Chaoslord of Tzeentch. Move Herold with disc to them. Cast Warptime on den Herold to get closer to them. Now cast Boon of change (with herold) on the Possessed.


And at least: summon the Changeling right inside them (with the Lord) now we have all buffs on them, and we're right inside the enemy's face :D


It's high risk, high reward. If the enemy gets the first round, they're maybe gone :/

Edited by Bluthusten
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I just realized that chosen really need some love. Here's why: Noise marines without any special weapons have the same stats as chosen and cost 1 point less. They have access to fewer special weapons, but they do have access to good weapons. If you are strictly going for close combat the chosen win over noise marines because of better weapon selection, but lose to berserkers. In light of these other options, the only thing chosen can do better than both is plasma spam, but Havoks can do plasma spam almost as well and cost less. Edit:  Fallen can bring the exact same amount of plasma with the exact same statline, can re-roll 1s if they didn't move last turn, and cost 2 points less per man.


I have a list where I'm filling out a brigade and short on points, I thought of putting three units of 5 chosen with no upgrades in for my elites to save points. I realized it would be cheaper to do it with noise marines because the base cost is lower.

Edited by micahwc
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Compared to Havocs, for an additional 3 points per model (base, the unit will be slightly pricier if melee weapon options are taken) Chosen get +1Ld and +1A. In the context of taking Special Weapon-laden squads these are both great upgrades given a short-ranged nature, and come at a very fair price.


I wonder if Chosen have a niche as a Flamer unit. You can take 3 Flamers, two special melee weapons (pairs of Lightning Claws probably for 3A and re-rolling Wounds), a Combi-Flamer on the Champion along with another special melee weapon (single Lightning Claw perhaps, another 3A re-rolling Wounds), and any remaining models can take Bolt Pistol & Chainsword (for 3A each). The Icon of Vengeance makes them a solid Ld9/10 which helps to mitigate the morale damage of any losses, whilst the Icon of Excess will be quite powerful on a unit of effectively 3 attack models (not to mention possibility of letting the Flamers rip twice from Slaanesh mark/stratagem interaction).


I would much rather have my Terminators carrying Combi-Plasma/Melta weaponry along with Power Fists/Axes/Mauls and Havocs will fold in melee trying to use Flamers, so this could perhaps be a role in which Chosen can shine. No other unit can pull it off either, Rubrics bring massed uber-Flamers but they are slower, more expensive and don't to much in melee.


On the whole, Chosen are still inferior to Terminators, but at least come in significantly cheaper which could be a point in your favour (for example, if you already have a Land Raider in your army and want some Special Weapons spam with a bit of melee punch behind it, Chosen are far easier to squeeze in). Alpha Legion have a Stratagem to allow you to prepare T1/T2 engagements (the same as it would be for Terminators) without the cost of a transport.

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In the context of taking Special Weapon-laden squads these are both great upgrades given a short-ranged nature, and come at a very fair price.

A no they are not, both as far as being a good upgrade and not being overcosted. B normal flamers suck. To make flamers work you either need them to break normal flamer rules or at least be on a very fast platform . C unless a special weapon or a model has to rule to use shoting weapons in melee, you never want it to be anywhere near it [that is true in general for all armies], and specially if the model+weapon costs a lot of points.

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Lol 6 Plasma pistols. Surely if you have the points you'd go 5 Plasma guns and a Plasma pistol or Combi-Plasma. Imagine an enemy squad getting 12 inch from them.
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Yeah can't see ever justifying taking plasma pistols over plasma guns, and if you're going for a plasma squad may as well save pts and take havocs. I'll give flamer chosen a try, just going to go for the max 5 flamers plus a combi flamer on the champion and throw them in a think, but I'm not too optimistic about their performance. Worth a test run at least.
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Lol 6 Plasma pistols. Surely if you have the points you'd go 5 Plasma guns and a Plasma pistol or Combi-Plasma. Imagine an enemy squad getting 12 inch from them.

Keep in mind that you can only shoot Pistols OR everything else.


Anyway, the thing with Pistols is that they are mostly a defensive option. If you charge the enemy, he'll either stay and kill your unit or fall back so you don't wreck him with the Pistols.

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