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Chosen/Possessed in 8th?


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Wow I just noticed possesed got 2 wounds in the new codex.. This makes them actually worth considering..since.. well since ever:)

Hehe certainly, they are almost "there" and with some Legion Traits they are where they need to be. The other advantage they have is that they still only thake up 1 slot in the Rhino.


Now if that D3 attacks could change to a hard 3 or 2 I'd be more inclined to thake them (for some Legions)...

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Yeah, flat 2 attacks would do me fine on these guys.  The risk of rolling a one on that is a lot to take.  As it is, it makes me think world eaters are the best way to run them (apart from alpha legion, of course), as you can guarantee at least two attacks each when charging out of their transport.

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Yeah wouldn't complain about flat 2 attacks. I mean I don't mind the variable weapon stats for Obliterators but the variable amount of attacks does nothing for Possessed. It's not like they keep remodeling their bodies all the time like Oblits or Spawns..

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Or maybe if /each model/ made d3 attacks, rather than rolling d3 once and applying it to the entire unit.  Would be a hassle to roll, but a 1/3 chance of the entire unit's output just vanishing is too much.

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That feels like unnecessary rolling. But then again, that's what we do for units with multiple Flamer or similar as well since there it's a weapon stat and not a model stat so it wouldn't be too weird and surely improve the chance to get the average amount of attacks from a unit with multiple models.

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The randomness of chaos strikes again.


I've had a bizarre thing for possessed and my index Chaos games did not go well with them. I brought them out for a few Red Corsairs games now and I can't stand the randomness. Too many 1's and 2's on a D6 at critical times and they are in trouble. I also don't like the Daemon keyword. It's a handicap against GK. sure the 5 up is nice but not great.


I started using a Tzeentch Sorc for the +1 invulnerable save. And now I'm considering Fabius for another random buff but I prefer the Exalted as my 3rd hq. So I look at what I'm doing to buff these guys ( even trying to fit in the odd Dark Apostle) and I shake my head...


What the heck am I doing by trying to make possessed more efficient? Ruining the efficiency of the rest of the army with support and buffs?


I'm still trying them but in Renegades there is a tendency towards units that benefit from advancing and assaults in the same turn. This has you scrambling for decent shooting units that don't ruin your assault element. Possessed don't shoot obviously but I'm starting to think that even as an elite choice, Zerkers are looking like a much better option.


Perhaps World Eater possessed would be better? That random attack thing is nasty. I would have made it 1+ D3 which I promise you they will never do.

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Plasma Spam list


Lord- Plasma Pistol and Combi-Plasma

Chosen- Champ Plasma Pistol and Combi Plasma

5x Chosen with Plasma Guns


Chosen- as above


Chosen- as above


Helbrute- Plasma Cannon/Helbrute fist

Helbrute- as above

Helbrute- as above


Havocs- Champ Plasma Pistol and Combi-Plasma

4x Havocs with Plasma Guns

Havocs- as above


5x Rhinos with Combi-Plasma and Havoc Launcher


That's 1889pts.

Edited by MoK
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The combi plas / plasma pistol isn't really a great combo, since you can't shoot them both at the same time.  Consider trading the plasma pistols for chain swords or various power weapons.  One or more of your chosen squads in rhinos might also be better served as deep striking terminator squads with combi plasma for about the same points.

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Well my thinking was that when he's fired the Combi, which I assume is still a one use weapon?, I then continue with the Plasma Pistol, just at closer range.
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No!  Combi's aren't one use anymore!  Fire either end as often as you please, or both ends at once with a -1 to hit penalty, which is pretty prohibitive on plasma since it makes you more likely to overheat, but worth considering when you're not overcharging.


but anyway, yeah, a combi plasmagun is just objectively better than a regular plasmagun, albeit only slightly, hence why they're a bit more expensive now.  Combi plasma champions, heroes, chosen, and terminators can keep firing their plasma as long as the enemy lets them live, you can even shoot the plasma twice in the same turn with the slaanesh stratagem.

Edited by malisteen
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