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Would a Rogue Trader Army be viable?


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I've seen it suggested when talking about armies people would like to see added to 40k but would they fit in as an actual unique army? It seems to me like they would borrow heavily from IG if you wanted to do a full army. At best I think you might be able to do a minor faction, like Harlequins, with some unique units. I'm curious what fans of the RT army would want to see and how they would make them an army without borrowing heavily from others.
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I'd imagine a rogue trader list would be similar to an inquisition list, several hq's, elites with the ability to include certain units from Imperium lists which would change keyword from chapter/regiment to rogue trader.

That's how I'd see a Rogue Trader army too. In fact, I'd have no problem another player using an Inquisition list and kitbashing or converting models to suit the flavour. Not too sure how likely a Rogue Trader with psychic powers would be though. Not very, I would imagine...


In fact, Damn it, its given me yet another idea! :lol:

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To be frank, you could add any mechanicum or astartes force as well.   I would suggest a squad or two to keep it real, but I like the idea to drive the narrative for a mixed force.


Consider the idea stolen @ some point in the future :yes:

Edited by Timur
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Inquisition is the obvious touchstone - a central, heavily customizable "hero" model plus and variety of equally customization henchmen, allied to IG or Astartes or whatever else.


In fact, the main issue with adding Rogue Traders is that they're frankly so similar to inquisitors that they'd seem totally redundant. 

Edited by Shinespider
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Imho, imperial soup is so expansive that there's virtually no need for new imperial choices at this time. It seems like half the options available in the game are imperial, and I'd agree that you could very easily theme a Rogue Trader's army around existing choices with some flavorful modeling. If anything, I think we need more chaos and xenos options to bring them up to par with Imperium.
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Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating a new Imperium army. The Xenos get far too little love already. It just seemed like you could already accomplish a close enough approximation by literally filing off the inquisitor icons off their army unless I was really missing fluff talking about the cool forces of rogue traders. I guess I just wanted to know if they did have their own unique forces that could make a viable full army and it would seem like that is a no.
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I've never read of them having "unique" forces, though they have been said to have a wide variety. So while I came imagine any particular /new/ unit, it could be a great basis for an imperial soup army. An Inquisitor with xenos or archaeotech as the trader. A company Commander as your head of ship's forces, AM veterans with shotguns for ship security, and virtually any imperial unit including Marines would be completely fluffy as forces attached to the trade fleet.
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The Marines Errant have a documented history of working with Rogue Traders.


Good excuse to include some xenos too, as Rogue Traders in general are more tolerant of them. Purging the xenos doesn't work out so well when there are several systems full of them between you and your nearest backup.

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Ooh claws, that's an excellent idea. Letting them include X units of Eldar/Orks/whatever could be an awesome idea. Has potential to change how the whole army plays. There's been fluff about high ranking imperials having grav transports, so even something like the Inquisitor's rule to ride in any transport would make sense. Would also be a good way to introduce one-off mercenary xenos races that could work alongside a variety of armies. The more ideas get tossed out, the more in favor of a list (which would need very little model support) I am :)
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I think the issue with any one off xenos forces or specific figures for rogue traders is that they take away from the production time for the plethora of model ranges which need to be updated (craftworld aspect warriors, chaos marines, beserkers and of course sisters of battle to name a few)


That doesn't mean I don't want to see new xenos mercenary range or a rogue trader/inquisitor multipart kit but I want them to update kits/ranges from the 90s/00s first.

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I'd imagine a rogue trader list would be similar to an inquisition list, several hq's, elites with the ability to include certain units from Imperium lists which would change keyword from chapter/regiment to rogue trader.

That's how I'd see a Rogue Trader army too. In fact, I'd have no problem another player using an Inquisition list and kitbashing or converting models to suit the flavour. Not too sure how likely a Rogue Trader with psychic powers would be though. Not very, I would imagine...


In fact, Damn it, its given me yet another idea! :lol:

Well you could just not use them...

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I have a huge project for a "civilian" imperium army, something - Rogue trader like...

I only need money, time, some whfb models. Rules are optional as it will be a "count as" army...


I always remember the beautiful Navigators army that was also featured on a Vision number when this topic is brought up

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I'd definitely look at Inquisitors/Imperial Agents to represent Rogue Traders, too.


Though, this brings up an interesting question - are Rogue Traders really something for 40K? I'd never begrudge anyone their custom narrative or army, of course, but it seems to me that when it comes to wars with the conventional 40K factions, a Trader's first response would be to contact the Guard and get the hell out of Dodge. Full-scale ground war isn't what their personal forces are trained or equipped for, from how I understand it.

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