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Chaplain/skull helmets

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I have a few projects that are in the planning phase so to speak or rather stuck there in all honesty.


So i'm turning to all the collected knowledge of b&c to ask is there any good skull helmets? As alot of the 3rd party ones that i have seen arent to my taste as the look a little smushed.


So i was just curious if anyone had come across some hidden gems that i've missed.

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They're new, but Reivers? I bought a couple of heads to use on Chaplains.

Depending on how you want your chaplain to look, there's always the FW Night Lords heads; I trimmed the teeth back a bit on the obviously mk. IV one to do this.

Several of the LotD models have separate heads, including skeletal mk.VI helms:

Edited by sockwithaticket
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No worries, I have an unhealthy level of love for Chaplains; love to talk about modelling them.

There's only two head styles I really think work for loyalists in the NL head upgrade, the others are bit too monstrous and NL-y

I actually really like the Reiver heads, they remind me the Seraphicus head from Dark Vengeance; no need to buy the box, just hop on bitzbox or bits and kits, I'm sure they'll have some.

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@ulfgrim: those were the ones that i didnt like the look of, as they just dont look right to me, but maybe i'm just picky.


@deathspectre: the shapeways ones look good, especially once they have some paint on.


Thank you for your help, hopefully this will help others find some nice helmets for their chaplains too.

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You've probably seen this one before but it's popular for SM Chaplain heads. I'd use it myself if I needed a Chaplain conversion. http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2011/9/23/274347_sm-Chaplain%2C%20Character%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Greenstuff%2C%20Sculpted%2C%20Space%20Marines.jpg

You should clarify that it's a chaos space marine helmet from the standard CSM box.


It has little studs on the top that can be sanded of depending on taste : here's my take on it with the studs still on : http://reho.st/self/1dfba1fccc26789c485f3dd05e068d40504272f5.jpg

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One of the zerker helmets works well, once you've removed the bunny ears that is.

Which is really really easy to do. The bunny ears usually can just be snapped off and then some quick smoothing with a hobby knife.

Source: made a bunch of World Eaters debunnied once upon a time.

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I've got some of the Anvil skull helmets that Adeptus linked, they're pretty sweet IMO, I was going to use them to make some ghostly LotD but didn't get too far with them. The physical quality is great if nothing else, although whether you like the style is down to you.
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I love Anvil and the quality of their resin is great, but those skull helms look goofy to me. I've seen them on models, both Anvil and GW, can't recall where, unfortunately, and the goofiness wasn't really diminished. Quite a lot of the older Exo-Lords stuff is very inferior to the newer Anvil products in terms of sculpt/design/aesthetic.

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I may need to have a look at them on a model, as i've actually read alot of b&c fraters have nothing but praise for them, and it may just be the photo on the sprue makes them look a little strange to me.


Not a great pic (not least because the angle is bad and the model is unfinished) but they can look a bit like this:




Edited by Brother Lame
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