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Angels Resplendent


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I recently picked up the "Start Collecting" Blood Angels box, for various of the usual reasons.


I have found myself tempted to do a small force of Angels Resplendent, possibly to depict Varzival and the missing 1st Company.


However, I am struggling with the conflict between the image presented in the 2015 Successor Chapters booklet (overall pale red colours and a badge showing a red angel with outstretched arms) and the description from the short story Crown of Thorns which describes the Angels Resplendent as being clad in "the blue and gold"


Yes I know the answer is "paint them how you like" but I wonder if anyone else has thought about this, and if any fraters have suggestions as to how best to resolve the canon conflict in a single colour scheme? It is the blue that really throws me, I guess... doesn't really work with the usual BA palette of red, black and gold...


Thoughts welcome.

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I was not familiar with the Angels Resplendent. But just read up on them = Thanks!


If I follow correctly you are planning the 1st Co so therefore keeping the old scheme (barely described) used before the chapter went off the deep end.


Perhaps you could do just the shoulder pad fields blue with gold trim if you feel obliged to work in some blue, but do not wanna do it all? 

A little blue looks nice on red BA = See Devastators.


Perhaps you could copy Flesh Tearers = use their color seperation scheme a bit as an idea replacing dark red/black with a dark blue?


I found a couple blue blood angels in the google images tab for Angels Resplendent.



Just thoughts, I haven't read Crown of Thorns...

Also I feel like I must advise against this idea after reading your signature =)

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CG, thanks for the swift response! You have understood correctly yes.


A variant on the Flesh Tearers theme might work, I wasn't sure when I had a go at that scheme on the Marine painter. I guess it's about colour theory as much as anything, the blue just didn't sit right with the red in my eyes. Maybe a darker blue. Or a lighter one - I am not sure.


Agreed that just shoulder pads might work - another thing I considered was a gold field with a blue chapter symbol. Again, didn't seem quite right.


Red and lots of gold might suit the "resplendent" descriptor... but I don't necessarily want the whole force to resemble Sang Guard.


The devil is in the detail, isn't it.


And haha yes I should change that sig and hide my shame...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Knight Resplendent,


I only just saw your response on this. I like the look of your guys but I still think there's just about enough ambiguity in the description of marines "in the blue and gold" to justify a different approach.


I haven't finished yet but I am looking at a predominantly dark red (Khorne Red) base coat for my Angels Resplendent, with Gold wings and a blue blood drop as the chapter badge.


I am also intending to paint "burning wings" on the banner of the Command Squad marine to tie in with that reference.


Finally I think tabards and robes in blue will also work for me.


Will put up some pics when I have more to show.

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