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Aura abilities


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So when a unit split fires.  Do all there shots get resolved at the same time.  Ie is a tactical squad fires targeting both dark shroud and a near by scout squad. Normally they would both be -1 to hit due to the dark shrouds aura.  If the dark shroud was killed say by the tac squads las cannon would the marines then be able to fire their bolters at the scouts with out  - 1 to hit.  


Just trying to figure out if the aura abilities stay in play till the end of the units shooting attack or do they do away as soon as the unit with the aura is destroyed.


As DA with have both azrael and the dark shroud that does this so would be good to know 

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No. Shots do NOT all get resolved at the same time, the rules are quite clear about that. You resolve for one model, then another, etc :


4. Resolve Attacks
Attacks can be made one at a time,
or, in some cases, you can roll
for multiple attacks together.

So if you take out the Dark Shroud, the scouts do not have any bonuses.


However, although shots are resolved one by one, you have to announce them all before they are resolved :


3. Choose Ranged Weapon
The weapons a model has are listed
on its datasheet. If a model has several
weapons, it can shoot all of them at the
same target, or it can shoot each at a
different enemy unit. Similarly, if a unit
contains more than one model, they can
shoot at the same, or different targets as
you choose. In either case, declare how
you will split the shooting unit’s shots
before any dice are rolled, and resolve
all the shots against one target before
moving on to the next.

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