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Have there been rumors of when ....


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Yea, I'd still put money on between Nov 14th and end of the first week in Dec.


That's around when out last codex came out also. 


Not long to wait. Best get painting those units that were under-used in 7th.


Regarding the next book after Death Guard - Its the Adeptus Mechanicus 'AM', not the Astra Militarum 'AM'.

Edited by Xenith
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  • 2 weeks later...

GW confirmed Craftwolrd Eldar, Astra Militarim and Tyranids before xmas. With SM, Ad Mech, Chaos, Grey Knights and Deatg Guard thats 8 in total. 2 to go if their 10 is to be believed.


Ots becoming less likely that BA will our codex this year

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Still think it would be a nice release window for us along with the Tyranids codex and the Devastation of Baal novel.

I've seen that speculated for months here and there so yeah...


November is Necromunda tho... Hmmm.


Seems a smart play (for GW) to update us in the chapter approved too. Hmmm.


I am down to wait if that is what it takes to get it right.

I say that edition after edition...


We shall see. =)

Edited by Crimson Ghost IX
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Getting the Codex next year instead of being one of the last two isn't too terrible really tho.

It makes it more likely to have the Chapter approved changes included already and the later the Codex comes the more likely it's to be balanced based on the feedback GW is getting from all the people who got their codex before us already.


So while it would've been nice to be among the first 5 or so factions to get their Codex, I'd rather get the Codex right after the Chapter approved instead of right before.

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honestly, I don't think we'll see a new edition for a fairly long time now


They'll embrace the idea of iterative releases with updates to points etc for balance, same as they've done with AoS.



as far as our codex goes, there is a sweet spot. You don't want to be first, because often the first codex made ends up being pretty poor long term due to codex creep. You don't want to be last, because eventually they decide to reign it in and you get hit with a bigger nerf than seems fair (BA have had both of the above happen in the past).


I honestly don't want a broken or cheesy codex though, I'd much rather have something well balanced that is exciting to play.

Still an outside chance we end up being December, but I suspect it'll be next year.

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With the next three after Death Guard and Ad Mech confirmed to be Eldar, Nids and Imperial Guard I'm starting to think we may get some new models after all.


Maybe they're going to give all of the non-codex chapters the Death Guard and Thousand Sons treatment?

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With the next three after Death Guard and Ad Mech confirmed to be Eldar, Nids and Imperial Guard I'm starting to think we may get some new models after all.


Maybe they're going to give all of the non-codex chapters the Death Guard and Thousand Sons treatment?


Yeah.... I don't know about that. They didn't even give Ultramarines an update. If any chapter was to get an update it would be them first. I think GW is phasing out the old lines and planning to continue the Primaris push for the new generation of gamers. The old models will still be usable but you are slowly going to find that using Primaris is what you want to do.


The Blood Angels are nearly extinct right now. I wouldn't be surprised at the next update of the storyline if Blood Angels have been completely turned into Primaris. The same with a bunch of the other other chapters as well.


Besides Blood Angels have some pretty damn decent kits right now. They are just not Primaris sized which irks me a little. I'm thinking of buying all Primaris to build my Blood Angels list and give them the Blood Angels weapons from the Blood Angels tac squad kit. Not sure how the Blood Angel Heavy flamer will look on a Primaris model though. I might go get one of those small boxes after work today to do a test model.

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It's not the first time they've been nearly extinct, and they recovered just fine without Primaris last time. The BA won't be an all Primaris chapter, as that invalidates tree full sets, three characters, and and their heroes and upgrade packs.


Also, the BA can literally make a fully grown marine in one year, where as the Primaris still tend to follow the standard process, so output will be the same regardless, but are costlier to make.


Also I don't understand the Ultramarine statement. They did get an update, all of the Primaris line. And it especially doesn't fall in line with what just happened. That's like saying the Death guard and Thousand Sons won't get their treatment because chaos didn't get an update (and they didn't...). Notice they got an update despite chaos not?


Let's look at some others:


Crimson Fists were practically extinct: still have regular marines. I mean they even lost their fortress monastery. So they literally lost everything, and still have normal.


The Imperial Fists were practically extinct: still have regular marines.




Also, based on rules, pricing, etc. we have zero indication that the Primaris are intended to phase out normal marines, who actually got new units (lieutenants). Even GW said it's not a phase out. So if nothing is saying it is, why do we keep insisting it is?

Edited by Arkangilos
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With the next three after Death Guard and Ad Mech confirmed to be Eldar, Nids and Imperial Guard I'm starting to think we may get some new models after all.


Maybe they're going to give all of the non-codex chapters the Death Guard and Thousand Sons treatment?

That would be an extensive overhaul. And even though I am a Power Armor guy, I think forces like Imperial Guard are in much more need of a sweeping update. It would honestly be kind of depressing if only Power armored factions got new stuff for the next year.

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With the next three after Death Guard and Ad Mech confirmed to be Eldar, Nids and Imperial Guard I'm starting to think we may get some new models after all.

Maybe they're going to give all of the non-codex chapters the Death Guard and Thousand Sons treatment?

That would be an extensive overhaul. And even though I am a Power Armor guy, I think forces like Imperial Guard are in much more need of a sweeping update. It would honestly be kind of depressing if only Power armored factions got new stuff for the next year.
Wasnt there a modeler saying that for the last 2 or 3 years they have been working on models for 8th ed? I am hoping that means more updates to various factions and updates to non-codex marines too.


Right now I am seeing 4 sizes in my tiny SW army already. PA Njal, grey hunters, greigor, reiver are all differently scaled, from shortest to tallest. It is quite the eyesore. It looks like Greigor might be the same scale as DG though less bulky? Comparing the DG to the average SW units shows a despair of size. A Plague Marine being larger than a SW termie, and a poxwalker as tall as a Grey Hunter, PM termie overshadowing them all. It is a OCD nightmare i imagine.

Edited by Caldersson
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With the next three after Death Guard and Ad Mech confirmed to be Eldar, Nids and Imperial Guard I'm starting to think we may get some new models after all.

Maybe they're going to give all of the non-codex chapters the Death Guard and Thousand Sons treatment?

That would be an extensive overhaul. And even though I am a Power Armor guy, I think forces like Imperial Guard are in much more need of a sweeping update. It would honestly be kind of depressing if only Power armored factions got new stuff for the next year.
Wasnt there a modeler saying that for the last 2 or 3 years they have been working on models for 8th ed? I am hoping that means more updates to various factions and updates to non-codex marines too.


Right now I am seeing 4 sizes in my tiny SW army already. PA Njal, grey hunters, greigor, reiver are all differently scaled, from shortest to tallest. It is quite the eyesore. It looks like Greigor might be the same scale as DG though less bulky? Comparing the DG to the average SW units shows a despair of size. A Plague Marine being larger than a SW termie, and a poxwalker as tall as a Grey Hunter, PM termie overshadowing them all. It is a OCD nightmare i imagine.




I feel you. It would be nice. But if they were going to be adding new sculpts to most armies they should have just released new chaos space marine sprues. They are really really old. Which leads me to believe that they are phasing out the smaller scale lines unless the scale fits them. T'au, Tyranids, Orks, IG are all sized decently well. IG will get some new models as Cadia doesn't exist as an Imperial planet anymore. It would make sense for them to re-brand their image. 


I don't plan on using any named characters with my Flesh Tearers so I'll be modeling the entire line with Primaris bodies using the rules for the devastators and tactical squads.

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