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Pox walker model question


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I am more and more tempted to start a Death Guard army of late. I also play Death in Age of Sigmar and use a loooot of zombies in my army. Would you find AOS zombies acceptable as pox walkers (plague zombies or whatever)? Do you think I'd have trouble if I used them in a tournament (I'd of course ask ahead of time). I haven't done much with tournaments in an eternity and just wanted to get input. I should add they are all on round bases.
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I used zombies as summoned daemons in 4th and 5th, and no one cared, even in a tourney setting. I use them as poxwalkers now, to no objections; poxwalkers are just a strain of plague zombie.

Whether the walking dead are carrying rusty blades or broken lasguns doesn't matter. 

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Just assembled 52 poxwalkers and I was a bit sad since the DI box contains two same sets of 10 , meaning they are identical 2 by 2.

So I'd lean toward mixing them with plaguebearers from AoS/daemons.


Since there is no weapon option on them I think it's fine if you use plaguebearer or zombie proxies, just make sure to tell your opponent they are poxwalkers.


If you also use plaguebearers or zombies rules wise, make sure it is clear for your opponent who is who. I suggest painting the trim of the base differently for different types of units, much like in Bloodbowl.

Edited by Isolia
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With a few head swaps and cutting the weapons up (or just adding bits from your box) you can make the poxwalkers kit quite different. I dislike some of the spikes and horns on them so cut a lot off or down (try putting some in a foam carry case, it's hell). Basically, you can use whatever you like and can mix and match or just cut them up. They're a very versitile kit. To the OP I say use zombies, just because GW can't copyright 'zombie' shouldn't cost you an arm and a leg!

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Thank you, that is good to hear. I've been gone from the tournament scene for so long I don't know how strict people are about this stuff.

Ask the tournament org not us, only he can tell you if it is ok or not at his event.


And if they say no to using zombies as zombies, you probably don't want to be anywhere near that dumpster fire.

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Thanks everyone. All the Nurgle bits have just been sitting in the box from my Dark Imperium set, I really haven't even looked at the sprues to see how easy modifictions are. With the release of that Herald on giant farming snail, I think all the rusty farm implements will work well on my existing zombies if I go for a demented Agri-world theme :p


Also I don't have a specific tourney in mind, just wanted to get a feel for how others are viewing the idea beforeally I pull the trigger.

Edited by Sawtooth
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You can use skelletons, ghouls or zombies as Poxwalkers. All of those options are perfectly fine.


Personally, I really like the 16 different sculpts available. They are all we have though, and it gets repetetive without conversions. In my opinion the GW zombies are just perfect to mix and convert.

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I'm planning to run some AoS skeletons as poxwalkers, people at my flgs think it's a cool idea.

Actually, the original list for Nurgle in RoC had Plague Skeletons! A victim of Nurgle's contagions belongs to him for a year and a day, and he can choose to revive them as zombies or skeletons ;)

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