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Building a Dornian Heresy Blood Angels army

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I am planning to build a DH Blood Angels army using the new death guard and chaos codex. I plan to convert Mortarion into the Plague Angel himself, and then run some poxwalkers using AoS skeletons, and then some Archangel themed DG terminators. I'm sure that will be at least 1000-1200 points depending on Mortarions cost. What else could I use to represent the Dornian corrupted BA. I could run some renegades with Raptors to represent them? Maybe some Berkserkers to represent the black rage?
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Go for it man! Sounds good to me. I would probably just keep the poxwalkers as poxwalkers though as Baal is a planet full of mutants (especially the dornian heresy Baal) and they seem to fit the bill. I like the models but only after a little triming as the over use of tentacles and stuff steals from the model instead of adding to it IMO 

I'm a big fan of the Dornian heresy stuff. Even played around with the idea of starting a dornian Imperial fists army.

Just make sure you upload pics! :)

P.S. is it just me or do the new primaris marines look similar to the Dornian heresy Ultramarines?

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For the angel, I was planning to look for spears large enough to replace Silence on Mortarion, and make the Spear of Telesto. Then I would look into other heads, depending on if we don't get any besides the classic respirator one for Morty. I was thinking I would pick up some regular Mk3 marines to use as my plague angels, but plan to use the actual Death Guard terminators. I want to go for the ghoulish bloodless monster look for my Plague Marines, maybe get one box of Plague Marines for the Champions or to mix them in. I also kind of hope we get to keep cultists, so I can use some genestealer acolytes as Baal Mutants.
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I would maybe avoid using to much of the deathguard range. The DH blood angels have more of a ghoul look to them. A shurnken cadavar rather than a bloated corpse.
The blood angel range mixed with stuff from the AoS death range would probably work, with a suitable paint scheme i dont see why not.

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Well, I want to run Mortarion as the Angel, so the rules mostly. I just love the new DG termies and want to use them, but plan to stay away from the rest. Running Mk3 as plague marines and such. I want to run some Raptors, and might bring Renegades and use genestealers as them.
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Ever thought about Crypt Ghouls from the AoS line for Cultists? Just toss some stubbers into a few of their hands and you are off to the races
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