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Which Chaos Army does what best? Shooting/Assault/Terminator

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Certainly, the most likely easy way for Death Guard to do it remains Poxwalkers, which is cool in itself but combined with Terminators will also make your army very melee focused, while this doesn't have to be an issue I also think that DG can benifit a lot from simple attrition, which usually is also done at some ranged combat.

What makes Terminators in DG so potentially great is the acces to Flails and Scythes, which they will certainly have due to the spoiled pictures. So if you can mix up weaponry for the Death Guard Terminators (and I believe you will be able to do so) you'll have great backbone right there.

All in all I pretty much agree with what has been stated. 

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So follow the same with Thousand Sons Scarabs? Uss Tzaangors and bring a Leviathan and or Sicarian?

If you want to go really heavy on the Terminators I would. The prime difference between TS and DG is big however as regular Rubric Marines really shoot dead 'ard, so using Tzaangors or Chaos Spawn to semi screen them usually isn't a bad plan either. In addition running a ton of small unit Rubric Marines is also a very viable loyalist like strategy which I deem very viable and quite exclusive to TS.


The prime reason as to why I cant say too much on TS now however is because Codex make huge differences in viability. We know that the DG have had some massive/drastic weapon upgrades, their own tanks, their own Poxwalker synergy and the likes of it. This currently is an unknown in regards to TS. One of the reasons as to why running Poxwalkers with DG is good is because Terminus makes them good. 



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