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So, I have recently acquired a box of Raptors/Warptalons and a box of Rubric Marines for super cheap. I have a few ideas, but wanted to hear what you guys think.


My first thought was that I need to make sure I can make a Battalion when the Thousand Sons book comes out. So I can do it already using 10 Tzaangors and 2 squads of Rubrics. I can run 2 min rubric squads and a larger squad, as well. Of course, I want the option to run 30 of them in a Battalion, so I am cleaning mold lines off the 10 rubrics I just got "just in case"


Alternatively, I can't get away from the idea of Warp Talons. If I do paint them up and use them as allies in the future, which legion should I use?


The final idea was to combine the raptor parts with Rubric parts (along with 3 of the awesome khophesh blades from the Exalted Sorcerer kit) and magnetizing Plasma Guns and "Warpflamers" and then painting them all to match the rubrics I already have. Of course, I very much doubt I can use these or the warptalons in a Thousand Sons army when the book is released. If I do this, which legion?


So, what to do?


I am leaning towards the whole "screw it, make 30 rubrics bahahahaha" idea because they will at least get used a lot! Then I can just use the warptalons. but the conversion opportunity is very tempting

Edited by Archaeinox
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I always like the idea of more Rubric marines but you do have a predicament.


While I am partial to the NL, it would be best to take a bunch to get full use of the leadership debuff.  As solo allies maybe EC so they always strike first?


The jump Rubric marines would look insanely cool and reminds me of that old artwork.  


Honestly if your opponents didn't mind you could do the conversion and then say they are whichever legion you choose, while keeping the theme of the army.  

Edited by MyD4rkPassenger
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I'd say Sons of the Cyclops (Black Legion). That way you could have Rubricae and Tzeentch Warp Talons or Raptors in the same army. They're majority sorcerers and Rubricae, but not 100%.


Another idea would be to use "Prodigal Sons" as your Legion, use the Renegades Legion Trait, and use them to represent all of the non-Rubric hangers on and adoptees in Ahriman's warband. Adoptees like Astereos wear the "high crested helms" of Prospero too, and Prodigals have been known to have some Possessed among them and others touched by the Warp in ways Rubricae aren't. Maybe some of their Raptors went "full Warp Talon" during one of their many escapades. 

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Well you indeed don't need 10 for one Soulreaper, it's just that the second is only available if the unit numbers 20, so if you want to you can just run with small pockets of 5 with a Soulreaper. Offcourse 9 would be more fluffy but I'd understand why you'd go for just 5.

For the army itself, just go with what you like man! I think the new Raptor/Warp Talons are awesome models that mix well with pretty much anything. Alternatively you could also make a lot of smaller disc of Tzeentch to create a whole Raptor/Warp Talon unit.

As for Legions, World Eater Warp Talons are cool, as we both know all they really need is Warpspeed to secure that charge and having that extra attack on the charge for them makes all the difference. At the same time Chaos Spawn are amazing for Thousand Sons itself too. Going from a 5++ to a 4++ in itself is allready great for example.

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Well you indeed don't need 10 for one Soulreaper, it's just that the second is only available if the unit numbers 20, so if you want to you can just run with small pockets of 5 with a Soulreaper. Offcourse 9 would be more fluffy but I'd understand why you'd go for just 5.


For the army itself, just go with what you like man! I think the new Raptor/Warp Talons are awesome models that mix well with pretty much anything. Alternatively you could also make a lot of smaller disc of Tzeentch to create a whole Raptor/Warp Talon unit.


As for Legions, World Eater Warp Talons are cool, as we both know all they really need is Warpspeed to secure that charge and having that extra attack on the charge for them makes all the difference. At the same time Chaos Spawn are amazing for Thousand Sons itself too. Going from a 5++ to a 4++ in itself is allready great for example.


I've found 5 man Warp Talon units to be a bit underwhelming but World Eaters might be able to make them work with five extra attacks on the charge. 

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Well you indeed don't need 10 for one Soulreaper, it's just that the second is only available if the unit numbers 20, so if you want to you can just run with small pockets of 5 with a Soulreaper. Offcourse 9 would be more fluffy but I'd understand why you'd go for just 5.


For the army itself, just go with what you like man! I think the new Raptor/Warp Talons are awesome models that mix well with pretty much anything. Alternatively you could also make a lot of smaller disc of Tzeentch to create a whole Raptor/Warp Talon unit.


As for Legions, World Eater Warp Talons are cool, as we both know all they really need is Warpspeed to secure that charge and having that extra attack on the charge for them makes all the difference. At the same time Chaos Spawn are amazing for Thousand Sons itself too. Going from a 5++ to a 4++ in itself is allready great for example.


I've found 5 man Warp Talon units to be a bit underwhelming but World Eaters might be able to make them work with five extra attacks on the charge. 


Yeah it's a lot of expense still... The thing is that in particular for the Talons, Possessed and Mutilators some Legions can offer a bit of help due to their Trait which makes them a little bit more worthy of a consideration.


I still think that Mutilators have it too rough, Possessed need transport but the Talons and Warpspeed are easy enough to include and pack a decent punch. However as with everything I also think that Terminators offer an alternative thats also very hard hitting but happens to have a great ranged offense also.


In the end though if youd or Archa would want to keep it mono Thousand Sons I think the Terminator or Spawn option is not a bad choice at all either. 

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To be honest: I don't like the idea of TS raptors. At least not with the crested helmets. The old artwork is awesome, but that raptor wields a bolter and has no crested helmet.

I would convert those raptors into Berzerkers or Chosen from an allied legion, like BL or Alpha Legion (Al always had something tzeentch about them). Those jumping legs are easily converted into running legs. As for those other Rubrice: make havocs out of them! Maybe we'll get some if the Codex drops, maybe not. Fact is Rubricae with heavy weapons, esp. Heavy Bolters and Autocannons are damn sexy! And if not, they are members of your allies Legion that happen to look a lot like your TS. That'S what I do with my TS Havocs at the moment.

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Warp Talons don't have to be from a legion and their fluff kind of implies that they don't really have allegiances anyway, they can just be from a 'free' raptor cult like the two metal raptors had for their 'eavy metal colour scheme. That would give them advance and charge which is all gain for warp talons.


At the loss of a command point you can just throw the warp talons in an auxiliary detachment.


Alternatively, counts as screamers? Jump pack sorcerers?

Edited by Closet Skeleton
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