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75 PL for use against 'some form of eldar'

Andy Tea

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my Ad-Mech are having the 2nd ever date tomorrow with some form of elder (that's what my friend said, he has all 3 flavours so it could be anything)


There first outing was just after fall of cadia came out and I went insane flicking between 4 different books


We are just using power level at the moment mostly because we are lazy


Anyway what do you think


Ad-Mech Battlion



Tech Priest Dominus - 7pp

Tech Priest Dominus - 7pp


No idea what equipment they will have yet as I cant remember which gun is which, also one is a custom built one so its gun can count as anything :p



5 Rangers with 2 Arequbus & Omnispex -4pp

5 Vanguard with 2x Arc Rifle,Omnispex.  boss with Arc pistol and Taser goad -4pp

10x Vanguard with 3x Plasma, omnispex, boss with Poser Pistol and arc maul -8pp

3x Kataphron Destroyers with Plasma -10pp



10x Fulurite Electro Priests - 8pp

Cybernetica Datasmith - 3pp

5 Sicarian Infiltrators with Taser goads and flecette pistols - 6pp


Heavy Support

2x Kastelan Robots with phosphor, phosphor and more phosphor - 12pp

Onager Dunecrawler with Icarus array, broad spectrum data tether and heavy stubber - 6pp


The basic plan


Robots and Kataphrons in the middle to provide a fire base backed up with one of the dominus, rangers will hang back and snipe, the 5 man vanguard squad will hunt vehicles, Dune crawler will cover the back field 10 man vanguard and elcro priests will go forward and take the fight to the xenos scum, possibly with the kataphrons rolling up to assist


Any thoughts

sorry for the spelling, I have great difficulty remembering how to spell real words let alone made up ones




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Personally, against any Eldar I'd take at least two Icarus Dunecrawlers minimum. Unlike other factions' AA, the volume and strength of the shots kinda makes up for the -1 to hit, if he doesn't have many vehicles. And since he'll definitely have vehicles, they'll be absolutely punished by the Icarus Arrays, especially if you keep a Dominus nearby for rerolls. Edited by Magos_Adephus
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