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Multi Shot Plasma and firer slain


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Hey guys!

hopefully a quick one.

A 5 man unit of assault hellblasters fire 10 shots.

say they roll 3 1s, is that 3 models dead? or 2?

Should you roll each multi shot plasma weapon individually?

If a model has 2 shots and rolls 2 1s, that should still only kill 1 model, surely?

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Should you roll each multi shot plasma weapon individually?

Yes. Though you may be able to work around it by getting matched sets of distinguishable dice. This guy is the red ones, this guy is the blue ones, ... , etc. The trick is being able to distinguish which shots came from which gun.


The 'Fast Dice Rolling' side bar only says that it may be possible to accelerate resolution, the default method is one by one, and in this case it matters.

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Side note : the plasma rule explicitly states that casualties are removed AFTER all shots for the weapon are fired. So even if you roll individually for each model and roll 2 consecutive 1s, that's only that one model that is removed.
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