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Drop Pods. Worth it?


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Let's look at the purpose of the drop pod, what does it do ?


A pod allows you to deep strike a unit that otherwise couldn't deep strike. Is ~100 pts for that too much ? Perhaps. But what's the correct price then ? The key problem there is that the tactical value will evolve with the cost. At 20 pts (like someone suggested in the general thread), I'll be taking pods empty just to go and contest objectives, screw up lines of sight or deliver a single character. At 40 pts, i'll be using them to deploy 10 man CC crusader squads...


If the points/power is reduced, how do we make it so that the pod doesn't get ridiculously overpowered ? Be mindful that not everyone plays matched play, so there are plenty of situation where a null deploy army can still exist.


Pure BT asaide... you can take tempestus command squad for less points cost And Also 4 meltas in allied imperium detachement. Also suicidal squad but cheaper.

By the same token, you can find squads that are cheaper and/or better at CC as well. Pretty much any item on our list can be done better by someone else, that's hardly the point.

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One way to look at the cost is this: would you pay 10 extra points per model to deepstrike 10 guys into a better position?


Those closer range devastators are a good example. Being expensive models, you want them affecting the battle as much as they can from turn 1. Similar for Sternguard. You want those bolters blazing away doing damage. Playing aggressive Black Templars, that means when your army moves up there are already men in position to benefit from buffs, take assaults, screen units etc. My best games have occurred when my army was all in a certain area to support each other.


I'm certainly going to give my drop pods a chance once I get some Sternguard or Grav cannon devs. A Skyhammer Annihilation Force is still doable too, even though it may not have the same exact effect. Imagine 2-4 Dev squads coming down in cover with assault marine (or Vanguard) bubble wrap and Reivers popping up at the same time.

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Yep. Recently I played a game against word eaters, with an opponent that placed Khârn behind a screen of bodies. I dropped a grav/plas squad behind his line and fried Khârn on the spot. It may not be templary, but it certainly did the job. And then he had to redirect a squad of berzerkers to deal with the shooting coming from behind. Between Khârn himself, and the zerkers that died to overwatch and melee (plus the fact that it immobilised that squad for 2 turns), I'm satisfied with the price I paid.

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The thing is though, I feel that even with 2 half squads coming in from the back to do shooting, they need something to mitigate the amount of fire directed at them... I guess for more points, I could just use Terminators to Deep Strike as well... it could have a similar effect to a Deep Striking Dreadnought, but with ample more shots...

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The thing is though, I feel that even with 2 half squads coming in from the back to do shooting, they need something to mitigate the amount of fire directed at them... I guess for more points, I could just use Terminators to Deep Strike as well... it could have a similar effect to a Deep Striking Dreadnought, but with ample more shots...

I'm playing a small (1000 pt) game this week and I'm doing that exactly. Drop Pod with deep striking terminators and a Marshall in termie armour to add buffs. Plus a rhino etc etc.

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