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Holy Thunderforce - Grey Knights Brotherhood


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Hi everyone!

First post for me, and first army project since waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in 2nd edition. Hope you like what i'm doing :thumbsup:

I haven't managed to play a game yet since rejoining the hobby..too much painting going on :tongue.:

PS there will be some heavy metal band references in the characters I've named, as I'm a nerdy fanboy at heart!


I'm aiming for a 2k list with some options, so will likely have about 3k altogether.

Brothers of the Holy Thunderforce assemble to purge the heretics...


The Main Man himself........Kaldor Draigo

He is inspired by a conversion I saw on one of the Glacial Geek's bat reps. Shield arm is magnetized (for some reason!). He's been tidied up a little since i took these pics, which you will see in the ones coming soon!



Grand Master Aresius




Brother Arwald - Paladin Ancient

Decided he should be a darker shade to put across his armour is ancient. He's been tidied up a little since i took these pics, which you will see in the ones coming soon!


Some random troop guys

Very WIP and rubbish photo..will be updated soon!


Group shot!


More to come soon - i'll keep editing this post with them (26th August edit!)

Edited by Chrisola
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