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I'm going to be getting a bunch of Sisters of Silence from a friend. I quite like the models, the only thing I don't like is the heads in honesty. I know they're kind of iconic in the way that they cover the mouth however it just doesn't work for me. I'm wondering if anyone has done any conversions of them or changed the heads round or the like? I'm not really sure about ideas of what to use in truth, obviously from GW itself the only idea was heads from Wyches but they could be a bit too aggressive. I know there are third party models that could be possible however I'm always worried about size and the like lining up.



Has anyone got any suggestions for this?

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If you could get a few of the Celestine and her sisters heads that might work. The only other ones I can think of would be the Wood Elf Glade Guard heads, They have long hair and some have half face masks but there should be a few heads there that could work. 


For non-GW, Victoria Minis has a few different sets of female heads, not sure of what the scale would be like though

Edited by Hrolf the Cunning

I've been meaning to try out the heads from Statuesque. The Narrow heads seem to be scaled for GW.



And some size comparisons (with narrow head on sister of silence body)


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