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Modelling Chaos Icons

Sgt. Blank

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I am wondering what others are doing as far as modeling Chaos Icons - are you using a banner pole or simply informing your opponent which model is carrying it without actually modelling it?


I'm in the process of building an additional unit of Berserkers and, now that the Icon of Wrath provides a fairly worthwhile benefit, I'm planning to include it as part of the regular load-out. I intend to equip the Champion with the Icon as he'll be the last model I remove as a casualty in virtually every circumstance. He will also have a powerfist and chainsword - part of the issue is that I'm trying to represent three items with only two arms. Attaching something to the backpack may be a good alternative but I was curious if anyone else had a better solution.



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I used the banner pole for my Berzerkers' Icon of Wrath.  For Icons of Vengeance on my big Marine squads, I usually just attach them to the backpack; not sitting on top but hanging from the back.  I used the generic IoV for one but I was going to use the old WFB Dark Elf banner-toppers for any others because of how Alpha Legion-y they are (a serpent, the cthulu-ish face).  I did them that way for thematic reasons: Alpha Legionnaires tend to sneak, and it's easier to sneak around with a little extra on your backpack than it is carrying a twenty foot pole with a giant icon on top.

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Thanks for all the replies - sounds like most people are representing icons on their models. Gothical and Noctus Cornix, good point on the rules, I'd missed that distinction and glad you pointed it out before things are glued on.


I'm working from the box of bloodbound warriors, so I may just use the banner in the kit, an axe and a sheathed sword from the Berserkers kit to represent the chainsword.

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Personally I love the stock standard icon-on-a-pole. It's something that I feel is very thematic of Chaos marine armies. My only issue is getting enough pole carrying arms to model all my icons! Alternatively backpack banners are always a good option (and leave both hands free for modelling extra choppy!) despite seemingly falling out of vogue this season.

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Hand held, with proper cloth parts not just icon tops. If loyalists get proper cloth banners then the even more medieval heretics should have even more old fashioned one.


I have a lot of spare WHFB parts. The only two I've built so far use Skaven and zombie? parts.

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How are heretics more medieval? They are warptainted, not thrown back into the past lol

Agreed, I think older CSM design is supposed to send a 'uncivilized patchwork brigand' vibe rather than anything specifically medieval. That having been said, I could see how it comes off as sort of knightly- high, imposing helms and chainmail, lots of daggers and swords as sidearms, that sort of thing.  


Edit: of course, this only really applies to the old kits like the plastic CSM and terminators. The newer stuff like the Dark Vengeance chosen and the raptor/warp talon kits have a *lot* more of that 'tainted' look with much less emphasis on appearing like cobbled-together renegades.

Edited by Azekai
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How are heretics more medieval? They are warptainted, not thrown back into the past lol


Mainly its the chainmail but the horned helmets and other pits of fantasy chaos crossover don't hurt. Space Wolves and Black Templars have similar things going on but its more the norm for chaos and more exceptional for loyalists.


The Deathguard have chainmail, so no it isn't just the older models.

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How are heretics more medieval? They are warptainted, not thrown back into the past lol


Mainly its the chainmail but the horned helmets and other pits of fantasy chaos crossover don't hurt. Space Wolves and Black Templars have similar things going on but its more the norm for chaos and more exceptional for loyalists.


The Deathguard have chainmail, so no it isn't just the older models.


Well in case you didn't notice, Space Marines are literally knights in space with their armor, swords/mace/etc. and shields. It's really not just a chaos thing if you think about it. ^^

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