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Mort vs. Nigel (Dirty Rat). BA BatRep


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Hey guys.  

I"m looking to do a full on batrep in the next two days.  I'll be playing my first game of 8th with Nigel vs. his Orks, which will also subsequently be my last game of 8th for a very long time due to the move. 

We're likely to play a standard mission, and I'm looking at the following 2000 point list:





Primaris Lieutenant w/ Power Sword

Ancient - Power Sword

10 Scouts - Power Sword

5 Scouts - Sniper Rifles

5 Tactical - Combi-melta, Melta, Power Sword

5 Tactical - Combi-melta, Heavy Flamer, Power Sword

5 Tactical - Combi-melta, Heavy Flamer, Power Sword


6 Devastators - 2 Missiles, PlasmaCan, Cherub
6 Devastators - 2 Missiles, PlasmaCan, Cherub

Scorpius Whirlwind
Rapier Battery - Quad Launcher

Razorback - Twin Lascannon
Razorback - Twin Lascannon

Razorback - Twin Assault Cannon
Razorback - Twin Assault Cannon


While this is nowhere near a "BA" list (what are those nowadays anyway ><; ), and is tragically a lot stronger with a simple BA -> SM switch, I believe its still a very strong  option - and I need to at least play BA with  my final game, and at least give Nigel a run for his money!!! 

In a tournament environment, I'd probably remove the Scorpius and put in another 6man Dev squad (which forms the gimmick of the list around the Ancient) and another Rapier Battery.  Also, I'd consider melta guns over Heavy Flamers in the BA Tac squads for tourney play.

However, I'm being a touch themey vs. Nige to give him a run for his money.  

While I have NO idea what he's looking at with his Orks at the moment, I do expect some bikers - and the Scorp is just devastating against them.

For those unsure, or relatively new, the Devs will deploy with Corbs, Dante, the Primaris and the Ancient - forming the reroll bubble of doom.  Regular scouts will form the buffer zone to prevent any redeploys or shenanigans.  Corbs helps bring back heavy weapons that have been lost (and is a bit more reliable with his narthecium because of his reroll), while the Ancient sees me getting free shots when the heavy weapons are lost! 

The plasmcannon/Signum (+Cherub) combo is really good too. No real issues overcharging them with Signum in the mix. 

There's no real countercharge element, but there really doesn't need to be with the amount of firepower being put out.  Idea is to decimate the lines as quickly as possible and then just play clean up where needed. 

General questions and comments welcome. 

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Battle is done! 

Nigel is clearly new to 8th, having only played a game or two - so it seems as though he's still working to find his feet. 

He played the following


Warboss - Klaw

Warboss - Klaw


Weirdboy - Da Jump



15 Tankbustas - nob- klaw

15 Kommandos - nob- klaw

10 Grots

10 Grots

10 Grots

10 Grots

30 Boys - Klaw nob

30 Boys - Klaw nob


2  Deffkoptas - killsaw, bomb

2  Deffkoptas - killsaw, bomb

2  Deffkoptas - killsaw, bomb

Trakta Kannon
Trakta Kannon



Mission was an Eternal War - 4 objective mission, with the standard "pitched battle/dawn of war" style deployment.  


Pictures and report to follow. 

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New job in new country been mental! But here we go!!! 


We were playing the standard deployment, long table edges, 12" in - and 4 objectives.  Thankfully, I had rolled to be able to choose sides. 

Nigel was rocking the 9CP formation, which meant that he had a bucket load of units to place. At least I was getting the bonus for first turn.  


I had castled up in the right corner, looking to maximise Dante and the firebase he was supporting. 



I deployed the sniper scouts on the left flank, near an objective and in cover, while the big scout squad I placed for a first turn charge against his big ork boy squad.  (In retrospect, this was stupid - I would have been up against around 40 attacks (assuming only 1/3-1/2 of the models were in range after casualties)  - that's about 6 dead scouts at least. 

Nigel kept his Koptas as well as his Kommandos off table. 


On the roll off for first turn, I won - however, Nigel used a reroll for his die and equaled my result. We rolled again, and he took it.  I decided I needed the first turn more, and rerolled mine- unfortunately, not getting the required amount.  That meant that the scouts were likely to be toast anyway ><;  Very upsetting.  


As expected, he also used DA JUMP and got a squad of 30 boys way up into my grill.  
(Problem with this, we were soon to see, was that they were now out of range of the warboss who provides the very awesome ability to ignore major morale issues. ) 


My deployment had made it tougher for his Koptas to deploy where he wanted in my lines, so, instead he came on from his edge.

His Flyer zoomed over my devs in order to drop that (very incredible) big bomb.  He nailed 4 of the 6 squad members there. 

I took some shooting from tankbusters, but managed to survive with 1 wound on my one razorback.  His big boy squad then charged in to my other razorback, and took it out with little to no issues. 


My scouties obviously got charged, but due to a less than optimal result, managed to survive with, I think one or two men left.  It was an unlucky charge (with reroll) and a good set of saves. 


Well flip.....end turn one....and the orks are already in my lines, with 2 BIG squads coming up from behind. 

This does not look good. .....

Edited by Morticon
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So this is what it was looking like : 


Not so good. 

I now had some options. I could hunker down and just shoot, using Dante as the uber-buffer, or.....i could split a little bit.  

Unfortunately, my dakka was severely neutered thanks to him taking out one of my AC Razors.  

I decided to go for something of a tactical split - with Dante solo-yolo. In retrospect I'm not sure if this was the right call - the boys put out far, far too many attacks and I really didnt factor it. 

But, never-the-less, the leader of the BA charged out of his safe ruin and flew forward to meet the big orky horde that had taken out the scouts on the left flank.  (If memory serves, I think the scouts died to battleshock). 

One of the three tactical squads was already out of their razor on account of it being destroyed - but i needed the firepower, so the other two got out too. 

I positioned myself around the the big boy squad and moved my other razor to engage the bunkered Kommandos who would no doubt charge me next turn and wreck me.  

I focused very heavily on the big boy squad in front of me  smashing their numbers.  After about 20 or so casualties, I turned my focus to the Tankbusters nearer his back lines.  I did about 8 or so casualties there! 

i ignored the unit that Dante was going to attack, knowing full well that he could remove units from charge range, leaving me out in the cold. 

The Scorpios had a field day with 2 of the Kopta squads, wrecking one, and taking the last one to 1 wound.  

I also ignored the Kommandos, and instead shot the last remaining Kopta full strength kopta squad.  I also used my Quad Launcher to rash some grots at the backlines - and make sure his objective claimers were having a bad day. 

The shooting was very good for that turn.  


Dante then charged!! 

He fought like an absolute champ, and managed to make all but one of his saves.  Good news was the orks were going to be restricted from attacking next turn - so, a worthy sacrifice/gamble, I felt! 



Morale did wonders, and the big squad that used Da Jump was wiped - or so I thought <_<  - Their proximity to the Kommandos meant that they were just able to stay alive!!! ><; 

The Tankbusters also got unlucky and were vaped in the process (to be fair though, he had forgotten his Warbosses ability  - so.....could have saved them). 

It was now his turn, after a really good first turn fight back from the BA ! 

He moved his flyer towards my scouts.  He then jumped a squad of grots the far left - also where my scouts were.  It was a good decision as that flank only had a 5man scout squad and a razorback protecting the objective. 



He also moved his Warbosses down more aggressively- trying to now engage where possible. 

The traktas and the lobbas were sadly (for him) ineffectual doing very little, or even no damage to me.  The flyer took out a scout - thanks to solid saves and being in cover.  Most of his shooting was now gone, though.  

The Kommandos stayed in combat to try wreck the razor.  

Dante then took the full brunt of all the ork attacks, while the remnants of the initial Jump squad charged a tactical squad and Corbulo, while the Lieut did an intervention and tried to help out. 

With Dante, I failed 8x 2+ saves.  That being said, it was a metric crap ton of attacks  :/ 

I rerolled one 2+, saved it, and then left the rest in the hands of my 6+ trait. 

I got two!!! Meaning I was safe with one wound <3 

Huzzah!! Then came the powerklaw :( 


But, he duffed his attacks/wounds- and Dante survived!!! 
Sadly, the same wasnt the case for my Razor, which was krumped.  Combat from my side was ineffectual. 
In my turn, Dante flew out of combat, and set himself up for a killshot on his one warboss.  

Corbs (and the Tac squad) ducked out of combat, with Corbsy healing himself and the Tac squad "falling back" towards the enemy lines. . 
The rest of the army tried to focus on either the Kommandos or the squad on the right flank that Dante had left.  

The enemy took large casualties from shooting.  The big squad on the right took loads of wounds, while the Kommandos also took heavy casualties. I took out the last remaining Kopta too.  


Dante hit the warlord, but then duffed his wound roll <_< meaning he was ready to get smashyfaced next turn. 

Thankfully, morale was devastating again, and the Kommandos and orks went down heavily in numbers.  

This meant that at the end of turn two, all the teeth were pulled from the orks. It was down to straight tactical play, with me having much bigger an advantage over my opponent with more shooting (though, admittedly and dangerously less mobility).

My guys kept shifting around the board, bombarding the enemy with fire, and playing cleanup where I could.  It really seemed like it was over now.  

Here Corbs take on the grots ......1z4XSBs.jpg

My guys kept shifting around the board, bombarding the enemy with fire, and playing cleanup where I could. 




With the range I had on the Quad and the Scorp, I just had to hold tight.  The missiles were devastating everything they could see, and the other weapons taking care of the rest. 

By the end of it, I was all up in his lines, and by the 5th or 6th turn (cant remember which) all the ork forces were dealt with! 

A Resounding BA victory!!! 




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The Scopios, although very very pricey - is an EXCEPTIONAL work horse of a unit.  I absolutely love it.  Good damage, good rate of fire, good strength, good range and good AP.  

It was by far the biggest MVP.  

The quad wasn't bad either - but not like the Scorp. 

Again though, and not to harp on about this, but I only played BA because of nostalgia for my last game.  This isn't a BA specific, or a "strong" BA list.  Corbulos buffs were nice, but I didnt have enough attacks or opportunity to make it worth while. Shooting is still a far, far better option. 

Hopefully this will change for us.  

Hope you enjoyed the read. 

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Oh my gosh!! I cant believe I missed that. 

Sadly, Dante got counter-charged by the orky warboss, who crumped his face in ><;  Almost serves him right for failing to wound his enemy with the infernus. 


The scorpios is a FW whirlwind. 

It puts out 3d3 shots at S6, -2. 2Dam.  If it stays still in movement phase, it can fire another 3d3 shots somewhere. It also doesn't need line of sight and has a crazy high range.

The quad launcher is a rapier mounted weapon that does 4d3 shots at S5, 1dam (with no LOS and huge range) OR 4 shots at S8, -2, 3Dam at 24". 



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Relic Whirlwind Scorpius


She's a Predator chassis armed with a Scorpius missile launcher (48", Heavy 2D3, STR 6, AP -2, D 2, no LoS required). If she doesn't move, she can fire it twice...


Rapier Quad Mortar


Artillery piece (weapon and two operators, have to target the weapon first (T 5, W 4) unless the Marines are the nearest target) that has two types of ammunition which are interchangeable throughout the game:

  • Shatter shells - 24", Heavy 4, STR 8, AP -2, D3
  • Thunderfire shells - 60", Heavy 4D3, STR 5, AP 0, D1, no LoS required

All found in Index: Forces of the Adeptus Astartes and there is a FAQ for that which you'll need.

Pfft. Ninjas everywhere :dry.:

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