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What legion to team with DG?


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Hi all, so I had a topic back in April about teaming with Death Guard, but since then the rules have changed.


The plan for the Death Guard remains the same: Typhus, tide of Zombies, Drones. In other words: board control, anti-infantry, and close combat. 


So, what legion would pair up well with that? I've still been thinking Iron Warriors, mainly because of the theme of tanks and big guns. Lately though I've been starting to consider Emperor's Children for even more shooting. 


What do you think?

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I'm a bit in doubt myself, so I'm very interested in what people think too.


I've got some converted and painted Death Guard models that aren't currently available to DG. So I'm looking at having an allied detachment that "counts as" regular chaos marines, so I'm also wondering what legion to count them as.

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You could either fill your gaps or double down on what you already do good. The first would mean more shooting as you said, the other more melee power. I personally think that Heretic Astartes have more options in the melee field because of Exalted Champions and Apostles. Maybe World Eaters or Alpha Legion? Something like "Tie them up and knock them down". Warp Talons/Raptors shocking after your Poxwalkers bind enemy troops. Berzerkers jumping out of their rhinos?

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Long ranged anti-tank support is certainly what I'd pick. So Iron Warriors would make sence, Alpha Legion would certainly help and while narratively not completely synging up Slaanesh and Tzeentch marked units would also be very benificial to the force in general.

All in all a list makes the army though so based on that you should make your choices. In addition I also believe that Death Guard can function very well standing on it's own two legs. Obliterators for example visually fit the new mutant Death Guard and actually fufill the ranged anti-tank role very well while also being difficult to remove.

In the end it's up to you. Legions don't matter too much actually, Havocs, Obliterators or Predators do however ;) 

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Death Guard aren't allowed obliterators though.


The Cleaved are a cool nurgle heretic warband, but the heretic rules aren't great for fire support unless you're using bikes with melta guns.


Of course if its tanks you want legions don't matter.


Personally I think its really the wrong time to be making Nurgle plans. Wait a month we'll hopefully have some info on those Deathguard artillery tanks.

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I guess I can wait and see the new units in the codex. That tank may have value (it's new, of course it will!).


Doubling down on Death Guard isn't a bad idea either, since it'll get more toys on the scene. The new drones, for example; I already will have a detachment of the starter drones to barf on stuff, but there's so many more options to check out...


I just want to make sure I have enough firepower in the list, I guess.

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Mechanically, alpha legion. Their infantry and helbrute artillery ootions are the best, and they're the best in a way that complements death guard thematically and synergizes well with the nurgle buff from the csm discipline.


Additionally, an infiltrating unit or two, whether short range shooty or melee based, will do wonders.


Consider also renegades and heretics, unfortunately they can't be nurgle aligned without eating your warlord choice - and even then they don't actually get the nurgle keyword, the r&h rules in 8th edirion remain about as frustratingly backwards as ever, but they do open up some generic guard options that might compliment your force, including earthshaker batteries, scout sentinels, maybe even a baneblade. An r&h baneblade is the closest the 8e rules currently get to a plaguereaper, after all.

Edited by malisteen
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