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Xiphon Interceptors, best "heavy support" ?


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Is it just me or are Xiphon Interceptors one of the best anti-tank "heavy support" units available to Chaos for the points? 4 Lascannons and missiles (autocannon stats), with hard to hit, ignoring the penalty for moving and firing heavy weapons, and having +1 to hit flying targets.

Compared to Havoks for the points, to get the same number of wounds you have to bring 10 Havoks, you don't get the missiles if you bring 4 lascannons, and they cost 5 more points than the Xiphon.


Negatives to the Xiphon over the Havok include being in LOS of the enemy a lot more easily, legion tactics don't apply to them, etc.



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Hmm... Havocs can also easily benefit from cover, can be taken in cheaper squads of 5 and are great as backfield objective grabbers. But Xiphon is pretty mobile and has much better survivability. I guess that it depends on what your army is lacking or what sinergises best with what you're playing. You need backfield units or are playing a gunline style list? Then Havocs are the better choice. You need fast units to grab forward objectives and mess with non-flyers movement or are playing a  pure mobile army? Then go for the Xiphon.


I believe that the Xiphon competes with the Predator, not with the Havocs.

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Concur completely. I bring havocs in every list, its the predator option I have to weigh between it and a Xiphon. In my current list the Xiphon is winning out. Who doesn't want a Viper flying around the table? The Pred has better armor and that's the only thing it really has going for it. Both look cool. Xiphon wins out on weapons and shooting ability.

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The biggest advantage a Predator has over a Xiphon for me at the moment is that I own 5 Rhino chassis that I can slap turrets on, and it will cost less $ than buying two Xiphons.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm thinking of getting one for my Thousand sons, fluffwise the XV used them a lot before the heresy, and in terms of rules it fits the anti tank/flier void int he TS rules.

Has anyone tried to make it look more barouqe/chaos like?


I imagine some 1K sons brass etch would offer a good way of making it look suitably baroque.

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