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Don't think too much of it. As T'au player we have to get used to people hating on us.

Mostly because it isn't that much fun to get shot off the table and it's basically all T'au can do (ignoring the fact that many other armies are based around shooting as well). Even if it has no meaning anymore considering that T'au aren't exactly top cheese anymore there are enough people who just won't stop hating on T'au.

It basically became a meme by now. Such people will just keep spouting the same nonsense over and over without trying to think for themselves for once.


tl;dr people like memes and hate thinking for themselves so T'au player have to get used to all the crap thrown at them

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It's been settled via PM.


I was the other party in the dispute.


TauFish made a comment that I perceived as rude, and it reminded me of some of the rude power gamers I've encountered who happened to play Tau. And I remarked as such.


I wasn't trying to say that Tau players in general are rude, but my meaning kind of got lost between my mind and the keyboard.

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Yeap, all sorted, just a misunderstanding. I am not known for subtlety, so was probably a little too forward in my discussions with another player.


Kudos to Claws and Effects, was no need to out himself here as I would never have brought anyone's names into it.


All is good in the BnC world

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