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A Black Templar force to assist my Blood Angels ...


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I've been round and round for the last year figuring out what other marine force I would like to own and use. I've come to understand that after my giant love fest for Blood Angels, my heart bleeds for the Templars, the Crimson Fists, and maybe a small strike force of Grey Knights (never with the Templars though! lol).


So I'm thinking a nice Black Templar force to fight alongside my sons of Sanguinius would be:


Chaplain Grimaldus & retinue

An Emperor's Champion

A command squad for the esteemed Hero of Helsreach

and a squad of Sword Brethren to go along with him as well ....

all of them riding in a Land Raider Crusader!


For support, a Devastator Centurion squad with lascannons and missile launchers. Perhaps a Stormtalon too?


Maybe a 5 man Terminator squad of Sword Brethren as well?


I'm more of a fluffy player as you can tell. Thoughts? Feedback? Ideas?





The squad of sword brethren accompanying Grimaldus would be armed like Vanguard Veterans minus the jump pack. fyi.

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Looks more like a full army list rather than a detachment.

Devs aren't fluffy depending on whom you ask and if by Command Squad you mean a 7th ed one I'm not sure it's worth putting all those Elites 1W models in a LRC that will blow up or get charged as soon as you deploy.


I have an AA backbone that sits still and Combat/Shooting AA spread out amongst moving vehicles and Crusader squads, benefiting from relevant Auras, the enemy is never too far from a meltas, rerolling Axes and +1S Swords.

Deployed an Interceptor for the first time and any <fly> was dead meat, plus the 2 AC.... loved it.


But it all depends on what you want, as a detachment to your BA i think BT won't be a great choice as we get standard Shooting and not so good Combat.

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I play rule of cool > power. If I didn't, I'd still be playing my Crimson Fists instead of Blood Angels (although they are my third favorite chapter). I've been a Templar fan going back to Sigismund, and then later on it was Helsreach, and all the other subsequent novellas, short stories, audio dramas, etc .. they all sealed the deal for me. 


I just shot a Dark Eldar army off the table with my Blood Angels last game, so I can make anything work to a degree ;) ... I want some Templars to fight alongside my Blood Angels. I've had great luck with my land raiders so far! The reason I mentioned a command squad is because in Helsreach that is what accompanied Grimaldus. I would like to replicate that.


I've always been a one army guy, but there's a chance that in time my Black Templar force would grow into a second army.

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I get what you mean as Helsreach got me into 40K and table top gaming but a command squad in a LRC plus Grimaldus and Retinue will get you nowhere.

A strong blob i run comprises of Helbrecht, a Techmarine (Jurisian) and 2x7 man squads with 2 P.Swords each and meltas, that would be fluffy in an Helsreach way and dish out lots of damage plus the repairs to the LRC which will be surely be targeted/charged.


That's the only worth detachment I can think of, if you've got bigger threats discard the Techmarine.

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Armored Spearhead is a very templar-y tactic!

If you're going with rule of cool what you posted is alright, as has been said it's a lot of eggs in a single basket.

For fleshing out i would get to crusader squads, they're the iconic meat and potatoes of a Templar force in my mind, as well as armor to accompany your Land Raider and gang.

Also: Welcome to the Eternal Crusade. May you soon ask in the Blood Angels forum for advice for a force to accompany your Black Templars :P

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It could easily turn into its own army in the future, especially since i'm looking at a defamation/slander suit that might end up being a settlement :wink:



I can quantify my chapter love by the amount of Black Library material I own. 


There are only four chapters that I can say I own every novel, novella, short story, and audio drama ever made about them by Black Library: Blood Angels, Black Templars, Crimson Fists, and Raven Guard.  Those are my favorites and also my favorite three primarchs respectively :wink:

Edited by Helias Tancred
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