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Blood Angels Assault squad Keyword FLY


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So I was rereading the rule book. I was reading the falling back section. It reads "A unit that Falls Back also cannot shoot later that turn unless it can FLY." Assault squads with Jump packs gain the keyword FLY.


If this has been brought up somewhere else sorry. You can't search for the word fly since it is only 3 letters.


I was thinking about how the Blood Angels could use that to our advantage. If you are up against a good assault unit or down to just guys with plasma guns you can fallback and still shot them with the rapid fire plasma shots. Another good use could be if the opponent had a Character or other high value target that they thought was safe since you were in combat you could hop over them and shoot the other target with the plasma guns or melta guns.

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Well if they are up against a good assault unit they will probably be too dead to fall back anyway. :D


But yeah falling back and still being able to shoot is basic stuff for FLY units. No great tactics to be found here and especially not something unique for Blood Angels.

The most interesting stuff about it is that you can shoot something, charge a shooty unit that has no FLY keyword and disable it for a round. It either has to fall back without being able to shoot or stay in melee with your Assault Squad. If it falls back you can do the same thing again next round, if it stays in melee you either kill it or fall back and shoot something in your turn.

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Jump units have Fly, and Fly units (that sounds funny) can:


A) move over units/terrain (literally jump over them)


B ) shoot after Falling Back


...does that mean that you can "Fall Forward" and use the Fall Back move to springboard over an enemy unit and get further into his territory?


I.e. A 5man ASM with meltas charges a unit of 20 Conscripts and survives. The controlling player's following turn, they Fall Back 12", but use that Movement to go up and over the Conscript squad, since they find s spot that the whole unit can fit in while being 1" away from all enemy units. ...and can then melta some tanks.

Edited by Indefragable
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B ) shoot after Falling Back


...does that mean that you can "Fall Forward" and use the Fall Back move to springboard over an enemy unit and get further into his territory?



I actually had someone do this to me with their ultramarines. They fell forward and shot me from behind. So as long as they have some way of moving, falling forward is a legit thing.

Edited by Spagunk
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I'm assuming the same applies to sang guard, and VVets too?

Yes of course. To anyone who has the FLY keyword.


White Scars can even fall back over the unit and charge something else the same turn with their Chapt tactic.

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It may not be something unique to Blood Angels, but as far as marines go we have access to a lot more flying special weapons through our assaults and company veterans. It may not be game-breaking, but it does offer good flexibility.

Yea there's potential there. My concerns are


1. Surviving long enough against good shooting (the summary of 8th Ed)

2. Surviving combat (far easier said then done)

3. Being able to leapfrog the enemy melee unit to get where you want


I don't think it's a strategy to plan around so much as a neat trick in our back pocket. The moment good players catch on (if they haven't already) it will only be that much harder.

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It may not be something unique to Blood Angels, but as far as marines go we have access to a lot more flying special weapons through our assaults and company veterans. It may not be game-breaking, but it does offer good flexibility.

Yea there's potential there. My concerns are


1. Surviving long enough against good shooting (the summary of 8th Ed)

2. Surviving combat (far easier said then done)

3. Being able to leapfrog the enemy melee unit to get where you want


I don't think it's a strategy to plan around so much as a neat trick in our back pocket. The moment good players catch on (if they haven't already) it will only be that much harder.



I totally agree. I really like having that option, but as you said it's probably more of a surprise or "fallback" plan than something to say build a list around.

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It's just general basic rule knowledge. Like placing the guy with good save infront of the unit and the special weapons in the middle/back of the unit in 7th. Something one should always have in mind and useful to know/do but nothing to build anything around. 

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