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Stormravens moving backwards = legal?


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A unit with the Flyer battlerole have the rule that they have to pivot at the start of their movement and then move forward their minimum distance.
Now, since vehicles in 8th edition don't have facings, the rule as written, can I just pivot the model and then move it in any direction I want, as long as I move it in a straight line?



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... [C]an I just pivot the model and then move it in any direction I want, as long as I move it in a straight line?

The instruction to move the model 'forwards' implicitly defines that what ever relative vector you select is the 'front' or what ever word you wish to use for the facing that defines when it is so moved forwards.


It would be customary and expected that the game relevant definitions selected for your models remain consistent throughout the game. In narrative play the special weapon that you've modeled as a plasmagun and so used in the first few turns remains as such for the duration of the match. I would find it no more acceptable to redefine what is the 'front' of a flyer mid-match than to announce that all your plasmaguns now count as meltaguns now that we've closed to the scrum.


So, while some ambiguity abusing chicanery may be possible on the first turn, in subsequent turns it would be expected that you cleaved to whatever definitions you'd selected. Of course, if you were planning on extensive use of 'vectored thrust' during the game, just like counts as, it'd be damiably unsporting to not appraise your opponent of that ere the start of the match.




Also, I see this is your first post. Welcome to the B&C. I trust you're not here just to stir up trouble?

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Also, I see this is your first post. Welcome to the B&C. I trust you're not here just to stir up trouble?



Thank you!

I'm here asking questions because I want to like this edition. Just having a hard time getting there :sad.:


Edit: Manners

Edited by Styx666
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I would say if the Stormraven is in a flight mode with a minimum move distance it must move forward after a pivot.


I wouldn't have a problem with one moving backwards in Hover mode, though. It's logical that it be able to based on the abilities of helicopters, which are the most common real world hovering aircraft.


So in essence, I'd say the answer depends on which flight mode it is in.

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A unit with the Flyer battlerole have the rule that they have to pivot at the start of their movement and then move forward their minimum distance.

Now, since vehicles in 8th edition don't have facings, the rule as written, can I just pivot the model and then move it in any direction I want, as long as I move it in a straight line?

Well it depends.


First of you're making a general statement (vehicles with the flyer role), when no such general rule exists. I mean, ok, to date all most flyers have the supersonic special rule (which is what you're referring to) or similar, but that's not to say a flyer could not have different rules in the future (e.g. Helldrake).


Having that cleared up, we're assuming your stormraven is not hovering this turn. The  supersonic special rule explicitly states that you must

pivot it up to 90° [...], and the move the model straight forwards.

The fact that the game doesn't define a front arc for the model in game terms as part of the basic rules doesn't change the fact that the model has a front or the meaning of the word forwards. Besides, what you would be doing then would be changing what the "front" of your model is on a turn to turn basis, which is obviously dodgy, as Eddie Orlock pointed.


Lastly, the Death From the Sky special set of rules (p. 266 to 269) goes to define a "front" arc for shooting purposes. There again technically, you could pick any side to be the "front", but then you'd be expected to stick with it.


@Eddie : see what I did there :wink:

Edited by Ciler
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Thank you for your answers gents!
I agree with most of it for sure.
I play in a very RAW based meta and just got caught with a (IMO of course) dumb rules interaction regarding cover and my inner child, and being a sore loser, wanted to "get back" with some dumb rules myself ;)
But I'm actually glad it doesn't work that way.

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Perfectly legit to switch to hover mode and move backwards with a Stormraven.  Now that you don't need to hover to disembark, this is pretty much what Hover is for - preventing you flying off the board, staying still, or moving backwards. 


Not in Supersonic though.

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