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Assassins as allies. Yes or no?


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Brothers. I have been considering adding an assassin or two to my Crusade. Largely for long range shooting. Helping to thin the ranks or take out psykers or warlords so my BT can rage into battle and slash and hammer what remains.


But I don't know that Helbrecht or Grimaldus would look on this idea favourably.



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I've fielded an execution force with my templars so far.  I can't really comment as to the vindicare, as he couldn't do much against the swarmlord, but the other 3 are fantastic.  
As for the lore, well Dorn was furious at Valdor for sending the assassins against Horus.  It is safe to assume they wouldn't be keen on the idea either, but I'd wager not too many Imperial forces would be at ease, or even know, that an operative was joining them on the battlefield till they saw them or the carnage they left in their wake.

Edited by MyD4rkPassenger
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That was the general idea of Assassins in my rank... sure it would hurt your CP count, but at least you get better killers in your rank...

In fluff terms, the Templars aren't even aware of the Assassins presence, only to few that heard a distinct gunshot that doesn't resemble any of the enemy's guns (Vindicare)

or a field of brain dead/traumatized enemies that can't even form coherent words (Cullexus) these 2 form a decent pair in my army... one whittles down enemies and forces psykers into hiding, the other one Snipes lesser Characters and de-buffs the enemies further... The Culexus is always the immediate threat, but when you're shooting/attacking him with a BS/WS of 6+ it can get hilarious right before he falls back and lets the Assassin shoot whatever Character the Culexus drew in the open... I mean, I could just kill them outright if I brought an Eversor, but that guy is more of a horde cleaner and those are jobs meant for my Templars... the Assassins job is to hit the part where it would make the Templars job easier... so Banners, buffing characters, psykers...

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I have been wanting to add some assassins to my Templars for some time. I have been thinking about the Eversor as he fits the combat focus of my lists and then a Cullexus to add a much needed counter to psychers in our army.


I really don't like the look of the Eversor and not that keen on the Cullexus either. I am going to convert some models to represent these guys and been toying with the idea of writing some fluff about assassin 'knights' that mysteriously appear when my Templars are in need. I want them to look kind of like the assassins creed dudes with hooded faces and tonnes of robes. The Eversors robes would be painted dark red and ideally have a hooded skull face. Paint a few small Templar crosses on them. The Cullexus I'm thinking would be more of a priestly looking one, white robes and possibly some Chaplain/Witch Hunter like peices.


I have played one game vs Wolves with the Eversor and he was a great backline distraction, helping to take hear off the Crusaders charging straight up the middle.

How would you fit the assassins into your army? I think we loose the BT chapter tactics if they are included in the same detachment. And if you take it by itself -1 cp

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Hmmmm ... Vindicare is where I was heading with this to stand way back in cover and shoot at important targets as well as acting as a useful distraction from other stuff.


As for inclusion, definitely spend 1CP on it and have it acting alone waayyyy away from the rest of my guys.

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I've been using Eversor and Culexus assassins and bringing them in with a squad of Reivers. It's been really good. I think Eversor has somehow slipped under the radar in terms of his value.


I tried the Vindicare, and just retired him from the table after he had completely missed his shooting two turns in a row. Just took him off the table without a word, my opponent gave me an understanding nod.

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I tried the Vindicare, and just retired him from the table after he had completely missed his shooting two turns in a row. Just took him off the table without a word, my opponent gave me an understanding nod.

Bugger. I've paid the money now, so I'm committed to giving him a crack. I'm gonna paint him to look like Deadpool. That might help.

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I sure could have used a Vindicare the last game I played vs Guard. 3 squads of conscripts and a Commissar keeping them going. I eventually flew a Landspeeder over everything and unloaded its assault cannon and heavy bolter into the Commissar turning him to swiss cheese, but that was after 3 turns of drowning in bodies and lasgun shots with Guilliman rerolls.


The Vindicare would have taken care of that in one or two turns easily, then blinded them or Guilliman while my Crusaders and HQs went to town.

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