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Daemon Prince model questions


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Being a new player to Warhammer, I have a few question about my models and how I can use them.


The first question is can I use my daemon prince model with a axe, but say his is using two talons instead? I wish I would have magnetized him and will rip off his arm if needed, but prefer not to if I can.


The second question is can I used a Nurgle Daemon Prince (the actual nurgle daemon model for GW), but say he is slaneesh so I can use him in my Emperors Children army? I just like the way the model looks and prefer having different models rather than looking all the same, but want him to work well with my legion at the same time.



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You can definitely say he's using talons despite holding an axe. Just let your opponent know at the beginning of the game, or better yet show them your army list (or have it ready).


Now and then you'll run into players who prefer models to be armed with whatever is represented on the model, but in my experience even if they feel that way and complain about it, they'll still play you. It's not a big deal.

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Some organized play events might require your army to be WYSIWYG - "what you see is what you get" - with the correct equipment shown.  Most casual gamers won't mind one way or the other.  Honestly, though, the axe is no longer much worse than the claws, you may want to just give it a try and see what you think.

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