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Protecting your (my) knights


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How do,


So I've been a pure knight list player since 8th arrived having gotten back into the game properly when it dropped.


However with the new codec dropping soon that roles Mechanicus Knights in with the rest of the Omnissiahs forces and the change to capturing objectives, I think I need tech guard.


With that in mind I have a load of stuff hopefully arriving today, but for a bit of theory crafting.


I have my Styrix and Magaera, for a 2k list what should I be adding to fill the gaps in the list?



Knight-Priest Chris

Blessed of Mars

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I would add a crusader (with rapid fire battle cannon)/paladin for long range firepower, as the magaera and styrix are more up-close-and-personal, and rangers for objectives. Dunecrawlers or Icarus Autocannons (or both) would keep flyers at bay. Sorry if I am speaking from my posterior in regards to the admec units, I'm a bit rusty on them and their roles.


By the way, which house are your knights from?

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I'm not actually sure, but they look like this atm.









I did have a crusader until yesterday but have sent him to a new warzone under a different commander. His replacement and his unpainted fellow god-machines of the Emperor will hopefully be painted to match when I get a new airbrush.

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Dragoons I'll think about in the future, for now (And because I'd already bought them before I saw the post) I've picked up a box of electro-priests to build as Fulgerites, with another box to grab soon to bump them to 10 men.


I do fancy some vehicles again in the future though.


I'll probably pick up a new Crusader, but some tech-guard in the mean time ready for a club tourney at Warhammer world at the end of October means getting them done for objective claiming.

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I like Vanguard a lot for their versatility. Bare bones they are suitably cheap. They produce 3 s4 shots each which can do 2 damage on 6's to wound. They can advance and shoot, cause - 1 toughness in CC, claim objectives, hunker down in buildings, spread them out for broader deep strike denial. Ideal utility unit IMO.
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I like Vanguard a lot for their versatility. Bare bones they are suitably cheap. They produce 3 s4 shots each which can do 2 damage on 6's to wound. They can advance and shoot, cause - 1 toughness in CC, claim objectives, hunker down in buildings, spread them out for broader deep strike denial. Ideal utility unit IMO.

I thought rad carbine were still s3?!?

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I think what your knights could use use is some vanguard, some anti air dune crawlers and something that does mortal wounds so electro priests or in case you want to go full tech guard, Ruststalkers. But with a new codex around the corner i would wait before buying too much.

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I'd be careful when using a Neutron laser Dunecrawler alongside your Knights.


You might enjoy using it so you then decide to take just one more, then decide to take another, and before you know what's happening your Knights have disappeared and all you have left are Neutron lasers.

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I don't consider any Knight to be a shooting unit anymore. If you want to make his points back, you need to use the Titanic Feet eventually.


But I would recommend Crawlers. Neutron Lasers kill vehicles that can threaten your Knights with lascannons and such. Icarus Arrays take out flyers.

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