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Dealing with Orks


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Greetings Warlords,


in order to expand my territory I will among other things have to dispatch of some pesky Orks, but so far they have proven to be quite a resilient foe. Maelstrom is difficult as they swap the board and a lot of units don't really want to be close to them. Hanging back and shooting until the reach my lines means basically forfeiting Maelstrom and gambling to win Eternal War and tertiaries. I like neither option very much.


How do you deal with the greenskins? Not too spammy builds if possible - an endless wave of Berserkers might do well but isn't very fun for me. Forgeworld is allowed and I'm a fan of most units anyway. Apart from the superheavies, can't afford those :/


My thanks!


PS: Biggest troublemakers have been 2x5 Tankbustas in a Battlewagon, and the fact that I feel I have no board control units that can take an Ork charge.

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Greetings Warlords,


in order to expand my territory I will among other things have to dispatch of some pesky Orks, but so far they have proven to be quite a resilient foe. Maelstrom is difficult as they swap the board and a lot of units don't really want to be close to them. Hanging back and shooting until the reach my lines means basically forfeiting Maelstrom and gambling to win Eternal War and tertiaries. I like neither option very much.


How do you deal with the greenskins? Not too spammy builds if possible - an endless wave of Berserkers might do well but isn't very fun for me. Forgeworld is allowed and I'm a fan of most units anyway. Apart from the superheavies, can't afford those :/


My thanks!


PS: Biggest troublemakers have been 2x5 Tankbustas in a Battlewagon, and the fact that I feel I have no board control units that can take an Ork charge.


I've had some luck (like most things) slinging frag missiles at them from Havocs with VoTLW active. Heavy bolters also work pretty well for this. You need to hold up their blobs while you shoot so you're not overwhelmed with targets, so something like a CC contemptor or even a Rhino can block their line of advance until you can get to them. It's gratifying the salt you can mine by charging orks in a choke with a Rhino and then turning it sideways in the pile in to block the advance.

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Greetings Warlords,

in order to expand my territory I will among other things have to dispatch of some pesky Orks, but so far they have proven to be quite a resilient foe. Maelstrom is difficult as they swap the board and a lot of units don't really want to be close to them. Hanging back and shooting until the reach my lines means basically forfeiting Maelstrom and gambling to win Eternal War and tertiaries. I like neither option very much.

How do you deal with the greenskins? Not too spammy builds if possible - an endless wave of Berserkers might do well but isn't very fun for me. Forgeworld is allowed and I'm a fan of most units anyway. Apart from the superheavies, can't afford those :/

My thanks!

PS: Biggest troublemakers have been 2x5 Tankbustas in a Battlewagon, and the fact that I feel I have no board control units that can take an Ork charge.



I've had some luck (like most things) slinging frag missiles at them from Havocs with VoTLW active. Heavy bolters also work pretty well for this. You need to hold up their blobs while you shoot so you're not overwhelmed with targets, so something like a CC contemptor or even a Rhino can block their line of advance until you can get to them. It's gratifying the salt you can mine by charging orks in a choke with a Rhino and then turning it sideways in the pile in to block the advance.



That sounds good, seems like Havocs provide answer to quite a few problems this edition. I'll try the Rhino or Contemptor, but Tankbustas eat most vehicles for breakfast.



I also wanted to ask what Legion or Mark youd like to play, all kinds of different awnsers and the flavour preforance really makes the difference.



Iron within, iron without, brother.



FW hellforged predator with the flamecannons?

In theory I love that tank but yeah, tankbustas. Although I suppose I could hide it until the tide is about to crash in.

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Rapier Batteries with Quad Heavy Bolters.

Single platform puts out twelve heavy bolter shots, a squad of three platforms can put out 36 shots.

Park a lord next to them for the re-rolls and delete (most) of a Boyz squad per turn.


Relatively cheap for what they do too (in points terms, in money terms they are forgeworld so be prepared to sell kidneys).

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The rapier batteries are definitely a good idea. A heavy detachment with iron warrior keyword with a Lord to reroll ones would handily destroy those Ork boys.


As far as a hellforged contemptor I might suggest not going with butcher cannons as I think Orks have morale mitigation and it's modifier to morale would be wasted... nevermind H8 is ton of shots.

Edited by Raven1
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So far in the new 40k my all-star MVP unit has been my Quad heavy Bolters Rapier batteries. In games against Primaris Marines/ Grey Knights, they can dependably wipe a unit of 5 Primmarines/terminators or a larger 10 man PA squad in a turn. I'll bet they are even nastier against units with little-to-no armor. Edited by DoomulusPrime
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I did the mathhammer on this and heavy bolters are the perfect ork killers with VOTLW. Get a Lord and sorc to buff them with prescience and you're hitting on rerollable 2s and wounding on 2s. With the MoS strat you can wipe 20 orks a turn with a single unit.

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I think it's also interesting to consider a Dakka Hellbrute, while that isnt amazing in and by itself having 1 CP ready for it to Fire Frenzy is always a great option and thus turning that twin Heavy Bolter and Missle Launcher into a quad Heavy Bolter and twin Missle Launcher is something interesting to consider, at least for the cost in my opinion.

All in all many awnsers, it isn't easy, but that's the beauty of this edition. 

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Although they might not mesh too well with an Iron Warriors force (could be modeled with rotor cannons to represent the rate of fire?), noise marines with sonic blasters could be an option, being assault 3 combined with Music of the Apocalypse and Endless Cacophony.

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