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Templar Apothecaries - Armor colours?

Marshal Bernhardt

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So, I've recently expanded upon my army a lot, and the most recent addition is a Primaris Apothecary, now that I've reached 60 Templars all up (vehicle crew included). Gotta save me dem seeds. However, I'm struggling with deciding on how to paint the Apothecary, so what's everyone's thoughts of how Templar Apothecaries display their armor in a Crusade? Bonus points for comments grounded in lore; although yes, each Crusade generally does what it likes. So far my three thoughts are as follows:

  • Codex-standard white with the left shoulderpad in standard Chapter colours (white with black trim)
  • Same as above, but in black with red trim due to being in the Marshal's Household - I'm leaning towards this one more at this point.
  • Full black armor, with maybe a white helmet and/or power pack, weapons, etc

Interested in hearing your thoughts and seeing your examples if you'd like to share!

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I went keeping the black armor, i painted one in white armor and HATED how he looked with the rest of the crusade. So i gave him white shoulders, helmet, narthecium, and chainsword.


Templar apothecary


and of course I'm a strict adherent to http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110921051542/warhammer40k/images/thumb/4/49/Black_Templars_Insignia.jpg/250px-Black_Templars_Insignia.jpg

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As stated earlier by others my thoughts would be black armour with white shoulders. Fluff-wise I'd suggest anyone who has earned the right to wear the black and their own heraldry would continue to do so and just include the apothecary markings into their personal scheme. After all we are talking about a bunch of proud, zealous individuals........ not the UltraSmurfs. 

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I myself went for black armour, white narthecium and white shoulder pad on the right with cross and apothecary symbol (as per V4 codex), and a left shoulder pad denoting a sword brethren.


This is to be consistent withe rest of my crusade in which all specialists (such as techmarines) also have a pauldron of office on the right side and a chapter symbol on the left.

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Looks good, but the Primaris Apothecary lacks a Narthecium. I'll paint his firearm white instead, along with the shoulderpads + red trim, I think. Gotta get through my Assault Marines first though. Looking good, keep the comments coming! They're really helpful!

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