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I am not an Imperial Guard player, my first love is to the marines, but I do enjoy the looks and lore of the IG well enough. One of my best friends for nearly 15 years however is a huge fan and plays them exclusively. However he's moving far across the country soon and our days of great battles are over ( for now). However as a goodbye gift I want to do something for him. See I love modeling and painting, but he, he's a huge tactics guy, he puts them together but never does anything more then prime them. So as a gift I got him a basilisk and a Leman Russ and I was going to give them the full treatment and give them to him as a fair well gift.


All that being said, I take awhile modeling, and I love to make playlist of songs to get me in the mood of what I'm doing while I work. It helps me when I'm painting my models to get into the spirit of it all. But since IG isn't really my schtick I have no clue. So what I'm asking you folks if you would be so kind is to help me out. Give me songs or albums that remind you of IG, heavy armor, or anything of the like. While I have my music preferences when it comes to everyday stuff when it comes to modeling it's completely different, anthems, ballads, symphonies, instrumentals, to me I love it all of it connects me to my model. If for you it's the Russian national anthem I'll throw it on the list. It doesn't matter what as long to you it has that connection. If you could drop me some of your inspirational music this will help me out a ton I promise and I'll do my best to equip him with the best IG models I can muster.

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First of all thats a really nice gesture of you!


You could try out the Company of Heroes 2 Soundtrack. It´s really World War II music with a bit of a Russian Style which fits the Guard pretty well imho. (At least it get´s me always in the painting mood)





Or you could take the Dawn of War Winter Assault OST. I case you didn´t know the Guard was introduced as the new faction in this addon.

Start at 59:30.



Edited by lash144

Beethoven 5th and 7th symphones always make me think of DKoK / IG marching, dying and of course eventual victory...



"During the Second World War, the British Broadcasting Corporation prefaced some radio broadcasts with the beginning of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony—BAH, BAH, BAH, BAHMMMMM—which Ludwig didn't know at the time he composed the music is the Morse code V, for Victory." Charles Petzold, in the book 'Code'


Grimdark Death Korps / IG marching?


Grimdark Death Korps / IG dying?








Edited by Chaplain Gunzhard


"During the Second World War, the British Broadcasting Corporation prefaced some radio broadcasts with the beginning of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony—BAH, BAH, BAH, BAHMMMMM—which Ludwig didn't know at the time he composed the music is the Morse code V, for Victory." Charles Petzold, in the book 'Code'


Long sobs of autumn violins,

Wound my heart with a monotonous languor...

oh another one i remember is that me and my mates have a soft spot for Conan(the original...sorry jason mamoa :ermm: ) so we put on the soundtrack to that every so often when we're painting... 



oh another one i remember is that me and my mates have a soft spot for Conan(the original...sorry jason mamoa :ermm: ) so we put on the soundtrack to that every so often when we're painting... 




We play most weekends in my gameroom with movies on in the background, it's become a standing law that Conan (the original) must be played at least twice during our gaming days...


This lead to... 2 of my friends in the 30K team even at the Nova Open brought a speaker and had the Conan soundtrack playing during all of their games hah. They actually won the Best Sportsmanship Award, because they are nice guys, not because of the Conan soundtrack... probably? :)

Gentlemen, I am frankly appalled that this gem from the Official Imperial Guard vs Tyranids movie wasn't posted:

Spot on. Roughnecks forever!


I've always thought Lux Aeterna was rather fitting for an epic Guard last stand:



Thank you so much for your feed back. I am enjoying to the music IMMENSELY, a lot of new soundtracks I didn't know were good. The Company of Heroes 2 was really surprising for me, and I LOVED the Hell March from Red Alert.  Please keep the suggestions coming, they have been very helpful and as much as this is for my friend I am having a blast do this. 

@Ulrik_Ironfist  I'm a huge Sabaton Fan, so I am beyond thrilled to see them on this list. 

For what its worth I'll submit a few of my songs that remind me of them (from an outsider perspective).

Metallica: Disposable Heroes

The Monolith Death Cult: Triumvirate full album (warning heavy)

Lastly maybe not a fighting song but certainly reminds me of them:
A Perfect Circle: Counting Bodies like Sheep

As for the modeling, shameless update. I got the Leman Russ together (Pictured). He had a load out he wanted but i convinced him to let me magnetize it. Now I'm onto the Basilisk and will paint them together. 


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