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Any Speculation as to why Morty does not have a 2+?


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I don't think Typhus really rants about Mortarion that much but instead takes jabs about his "Sentimentality" and "Nostalgia". He also holds it against morty for making him hide/suppress his psychic ability. They both have a part in Nurgles plan, and they know/respect that. The plague planet is a pretty important place in terms of meat shield cultists, plague marine creation, and probably these new nurgle tanks we get. So is travelling the galaxy spreading plague.


Also remember that Daemon Primarchs are pretty much a dark Gods *edit*. They have to go around doing whatever their master wishes.

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Also remember that Daemon Primarchs are pretty much a dark Gods *Edit*. They have to go around doing whatever their master wishes.

That's what I said. Tho it's not quite like you put it. They're daemons (daemon primarchs at that). They do have some freedom to do what they want but ultimately they do want the same thing their god wants so they'd do so anyway. They are not their :censored: , they are part of their god.

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Ahh the great irony of the traitors. They left on order to be free, but they became slaves to an even greater extent. Even their souls are the property of the Dark Gods.


As for Morty and Typhus - in Dark Imperium the two have a bit of a verbal spat. Mortarion does not give off the impression that he has any ill feelings towards Typhus but the same cannot be said in reverse.

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There is not a whole lot written on Morty, I will be looking forwards to when he gets his Primarch book. Basically he hates psykers because on the planet he fell upon there were evil psyker overlords that abused their powers. He hates flamboyance. He is humorless, gaunt, grim, and tough. He likes to drink. He also felt bad about destroying half his legion with istvan 3, and his order to execute Garro since he was a noble and loyal warrior. Not terrible qualities.


Actually that sounds like me except I share Nurgles morbid humor. I guess DG is where I belong!

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I am hoping we get something in the fluff/lore that goes further into the relationships between the demon primarchs and the chaos gods. How much freedom do they have? The rumors of one demon primarch regretting turning makes me think they have a lot more freedom than some people in this thread seem to think they have. My understanding of ascension is that individual becomes another facet of the warp and is essentially their own minor god. They might worship/fall in line with the larger gods but we've seen demons, demon prince and demon primarch do their own things including betraying one of the big four gods. That shows freedom of thought and action.

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I am hoping we get something in the fluff/lore that goes further into the relationships between the demon primarchs and the chaos gods. How much freedom do they have? The rumors of one demon primarch regretting turning makes me think they have a lot more freedom than some people in this thread seem to think they have. My understanding of ascension is that individual becomes another facet of the warp and is essentially their own minor god. They might worship/fall in line with the larger gods but we've seen demons, demon prince and demon primarch do their own things including betraying one of the big four gods. That shows freedom of thought and action.


It also raises the question of how Daemon Princes of Chaos Undivided fit into the pantheon's minions. We know that they are less powerful than God-Dedicated Princes but presumably that gives them more freedom of action. I wonder how the Gods see them in terms of pieces on the board.

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I am hoping we get something in the fluff/lore that goes further into the relationships between the demon primarchs and the chaos gods. How much freedom do they have? The rumors of one demon primarch regretting turning makes me think they have a lot more freedom than some people in this thread seem to think they have. My understanding of ascension is that individual becomes another facet of the warp and is essentially their own minor god. They might worship/fall in line with the larger gods but we've seen demons, demon prince and demon primarch do their own things including betraying one of the big four gods. That shows freedom of thought and action.

About the betraying one of the big four, maybe I need to explain a bit better what I mean. Chaos gods are sentient beings but they also are just a mirror of emotions and actions of the marterium. Daemon princes and other demons can of course 'betray' the sentient part of that being called a chaos god but they as well are part of the warp that mirrors those aspects of the marterium and by existing and doing what's in their nature they're still acting in line with that chaos aspect even while betraying the god itself. They just can't do otherwise. It's as if a human would try stop being human.

Theoretically a Nurgle Daemon (ordinary one, prince or primarch) could become powerful enough to overthrow Nurgle, but then he wouldn't be more free than before. He'd simply replace Nurgle in some other form and continue being that aspect of the warp he became by turning into a daemon/by getting created by Nurgle.


However what exactly the chaos gods are and how they interact with other Daemons is pretty fluid and depends on what source material you refer to so anything is possible, really.

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It is both game balance and the fact like someone said earlier he has wings and other exposed fleshy parts. 


If it makes you feel better Logan loses his 2+ when he is on his santa sleigh. Probably for similar reasons. Balance and the fact he has two dogs (read: fleshy parts) pulling him.

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I am hoping we get something in the fluff/lore that goes further into the relationships between the demon primarchs and the chaos gods. How much freedom do they have? The rumors of one demon primarch regretting turning\


They have no freedom. Becoming a Daemon Primarch means literally being part of your god; you exist at their pleasure. There is only the illusion of freedom.


Also, the rumours of a Primarch regretting turning/swapping sides never came from anyone/anything reliable. They are likely completely fabricated.


Anyway, on topic, I think this thread has run its course

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It is both game balance and the fact like someone said earlier he has wings and other exposed fleshy parts. 


If it makes you feel better Logan loses his 2+ when he is on his santa sleigh. Probably for similar reasons. Balance and the fact he has two dogs (read: fleshy parts) pulling him.

The fact that happened to Logan too makes me feel better about it then.

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I believe this thread has run it's course. Morty doesn't have a 2+, people have speculated, people have been ranting, people have been offtopic, the thread has generated reports...

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