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Chaos Land Raiders


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It's much better than before, but it's still inferior to Rhinos or Predators simply because of its cost imo.


The main reason why I always decide against taking a Landraider is because of it's transport capability tho. 10 is just not enough for such an expensive tank. Especially when considering that it dies about as fast as a Rhino against Lascannons and Melta.

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When I do take a LR, it is as an upgrade to my usual Doyle rhino (LR + rhino instead). I find it works better to put the more threatening cc unit in the rhino, to make the enemy choose between a better chance at cracking the rhino with the scarier unit or targeting the LR with less juicy stuff inside.


It really only wants to go forward 1 turn to discharge, then back up to gunboat and stay out of cc again. At least it is pretty fast.


I wish the transport capacity were more, but not carrying characters isn't so bad - they can usually keep up with move + advance, and thry aren't available to be targeted due to the character rule. If snipers give you trouble (... do they ever?) it is a giant LOS blocker, which makes hiding squishy supports pretty easy.


I like starting it sideways in front of my havocs, making them untargetable by most things if I don't get t1; on my turn it happily scoots and lets them fire away.


So - ymmv.

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