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Logic dictates - stepping into the Ad Mech.


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So after reading Hammer and Anvil, which heavily features the Ad Mech, and much drooling over the minis for some time I decided to pick up a start collecting box of Ad mech!


I'm excited to build it up and have a crack at painting them, especially with the codex coming out soon.


Curious to see what changes in the codex so I can decide how to assemble all my models ... I might just clean up all the mould lines and have them ready to glue until I can see the book and decide what they should be using.


Any tips for a beginner ? Also, for novels where is a good place to start ? I saw two came out in 2015 by Rob Sanders, but looking back there seems to be a few others from years earlier. Are these worth reading ?

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welcome to the forge ,

novels you will like the rob sanders books but also the gods of mars trilogy,also I would read titanicus by dan abnett and the heresy book mechanicum


for ideas for your collecting box I would build the first one simple:


Ongar with erad beamer,5 rangers 1 aquabus,omni scope,5 vanguard 1 arc and data tether (then get another box and repeat the same to make 10 man squads)


the priest I always build the first as basic kit

a second collecting box sorts you out for infantry and a second onagar with Icarus arrays



hope this helps

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I will check out the Mars trilogy as well. Any specific order to read the series in, or just go by published date? 


I noticed the the kits run low of special weapons, makes it pretty tough to max out the 5 man squads, but I suppose after you get 30 of them you can do 3 of each in 3 10 man squads?


I will mostly definitely end up getting a second start collecting, but I have to make sure I build and paint this first one up first :) At least mostly... and then I have an excuse to get Celestine and Grayfax!

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Cawl really makes the army 'playable' or function.

Also no vehicles for the guys who make everything.


Logic is fleeting

Oh, get over it. We have three vehicle options. Just no transports.


Also, beaurocracy dictates that we can't just requisition things. Every rhino we make is shipped out immediately to the appropriate war zone with the right group of marines or sisters. We have our own vehicles, one's we trained with, designed and developed for skitarii use, integrated by datatethers.


Cawl is pretty important but we'll see that fade with the new codex. Onagers are the army lynchpin right now so buy a few start collectings and you should be grand

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@LegioX - most of whats here is correct, dogfender's gripe with transports is valid as is lancerusso's fluff retort (but fluff doesn't win games though) we have problems getting across the table quickly without being shot too much :sweat:  keep that in mind :wink: 

as to the Onager...it could be said that the Neutron laser is the way to go...but that also depends on your playstyle, perhaps dont glue your wpn on it till you've played a few games with each option just to see what YOU play well with!.

you will find you will end up in either the Ranger Camp or Vanguard Camp..also this is to do with your style of play... i use both but then again i'm not about to win a grand tourney with them  :biggrin.:  Get kastelans for sure probably 2 units worth - 1x CC 1x shooty.

And yes Get Cawl !!


cheers and good luck, Mithril 

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