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How would you feel if Dorn returned ?


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Dorn should be in a Dreadnought, for it is the ultimate pain glove.

The Lexicanum article on the pain glove states prolonged use will make the user hallucinate. Considering Dorn was having "visions from the Emperor" (hallucinating due to CONTINUOUS pain glove use, as penance for failing to protect the Emperor) after the Heresy, I fear internment in a Dreadnought may make him act like a Blood Angels Death Company Dreadnought- or worse, like a Chaos Helbrute, with him attacking Guilliman while under the delusion he's facing Horus.

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Dorn should be in a Dreadnought, for it is the ultimate pain glove.

The Lexicanum article on the pain glove states prolonged use will make the user hallucinate. Considering Dorn was having "visions from the Emperor" (hallucinating due to CONTINUOUS pain glove use, as penance for failing to protect the Emperor) after the Heresy, I fear internment in a Dreadnought may make him act like a Blood Angels Death Company Dreadnought- or worse, like a Chaos Helbrute, with him attacking Guilliman while under the delusion he's facing Horus.



Personally I would love to see Dorn as a "Don Quixote" type of character, ever the idealist and delusional in his new state, maybe not facing Horus 24/7 but more of an expression of the seventh legion as always willing to face the enemy and accepting any challenge, no matter the cost!.

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