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Vals Executioners Force

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I posted this over on the Imperial Fist subsection, I never saw this place. So if I a mod can close that thread down, I would appreciate it! :)


So I wanted to do a Chapter of the lineage of Dorn and since I already have a decent sized HH force of Imperial Fists I wanted to mix it up a bit, I settled on the Executioners, I love the lore of these chaps and Fafnir Rann is one of my favourite characters (Please do a book on him BL). Anyway, enough of my ramblings here is the start of my force, I hope you enjoy it! :smile.:
All still a WIP:
Aggressor SGT:
Captain, starting to kitbash:
Hoping by the End of September I will have a 1500 point force up! Will keep the thread up dated! If anyone is interested also doing a Video Log over on my channel of the build and painting!
All comments and feedback are welcome!

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They look awesome buddy! Are you planning on adding classic (Forgeworld) Marines, tanks etc too? Or just Primaris? Thulsa Kane :wub: ??


Plan at the moment is to keep them Primaris only, hoping the Super Heavy tank from FW will give me more fire power :P

Every time I see someone's Executioners, I can't help but feel I got mine waaaaaaaaay too blue.


Everyones different, mate! I was going to do a bit of blue on mine but decided against it :)


Pretty nice executioners you got there, I look forward to seeing the conversion painted up.


Any idea on what you're going to paint the bases as?


Thanks, hoping he looks good once painted up! For the bases, I'm thinking rocky, with bits of snow. I think it will go with the silver quite well :)

Really like where your Captain conversion is going, and seeing all those Aggressors is making me want some for my own force!


Thanks, big fan of your stuff! I love the Aggressors.


Kit bashed my Tech Marine, I wanted a more tactical kind of pose :smile.:
Man, I love them! Would you mind sharing your recipe for the grey and the bronze? Have you had any success with the Primaris? My project after my death guard is a Primaris 1st Co. Theme, so hoping the Aggressors do well for you. Any plans to make a full Primaris Tech-Marine? I have been looking at bits to bash one.

I really love those mk3 helmets on the aggressors, it really makes them look brutal!


Yeah, I love MK3!


Man, I love them! Would you mind sharing your recipe for the grey and the bronze? Have you had any success with the Primaris? My project after my death guard is a Primaris 1st Co. Theme, so hoping the Aggressors do well for you. Any plans to make a full Primaris Tech-Marine? I have been looking at bits to bash one.


Basically, I prime with Halfords Black, then Spray Ledbelcher, then do a thin coat of Ledbelcher. Do a wash with Nuln oil all over then do highlights of storm host silver.


The bronze is a thing layer of Brass scorpion, again wash it Nuln Oil. 


No plans to make a full Techmarine yet, maybe in the future!


For anyone interested I did a video showing off the build process of my completed stuff this week :)


He's coming along great, you've brought a lot of character to the only primaris marine I haven't liked so far, well done. 


Thanks, mate!



Ive seen these on facebook and they look so good. Are you building after an army list or is it a unit at a time?


Building it too a list at the moment but the plan is to do every Primaris unit :P


Here is my finished Replusor minus the bases:









I ran out of likes because I am enjoying everything I see here!


I've been a failure to Dorn for some time now but I always want to try to build some Executioners. They are an awesome chapter and I am glad someone is doing them justice! I even like them with the silver touch that I had seen on the cover of their short story. Also neat to see them with Primaris marines as their penitent crusade is surly over with. 

I ran out of likes because I am enjoying everything I see here!


I've been a failure to Dorn for some time now but I always want to try to build some Executioners. They are an awesome chapter and I am glad someone is doing them justice! I even like them with the silver touch that I had seen on the cover of their short story. Also neat to see them with Primaris marines as their penitent crusade is surly over with. 


Thanks for the kind words, I think the next unit I will do is a 10 man Hellblaster squad :D


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