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Terminator Time


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Well met, brothers! I have a question for you. I have been crusading since 4th, but I've never owned a terminator model. Not one. I was never big on the look of Indominus armor, I thought they looked like angry hippos. I've always depended on crusader squads to do my heavy lifting, and while crusaders aren't exactly toothless with the coming of 8th, they're not the mulchers anymore that I've loved all of these years. I've decided that I need a unit or two in my army with a bit more punch and/or staying power for my crusade. I've heard good things about Vanguard Vets, and I plan to add some soon, but now that terminators also come in the Cataphractii and Tartaros flavors, I am interested in them as well. Do any of you brothers use either of these variants? And if so, how do you like them? The idea of Cataphractii with dual claws pouring out of an LRC seems pretty cool to me
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First off, welcome back Brother! It is good to have you back with the Brethren.


Regarding terminator types, I regularly field both varieties of standard terminators, though those of the assault variety more frequently. I think when it comes down to beat sticks, it is tough to top Thunder hammers and Storm Shields.


That being said, twin LCs will make a mess of a lot of things and rushing out of a LRC will certainly add to an opponent's already unlucky day.


Again, welcome back!

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First off, welcome back Brother! It is good to have you back with the Brethren.


Regarding terminator types, I regularly field both varieties of standard terminators, though those of the assault variety more frequently. I think when it comes down to beat sticks, it is tough to top Thunder hammers and Storm Shields.


That being said, twin LCs will make a mess of a lot of things and rushing out of a LRC will certainly add to an opponent's already unlucky day.


Again, welcome back!

Thank you brother! No hurricane will keep me off the path of the righteous for long!


I've been playing with the idea of getting some TH/SS Termies as well, since they seem to be the gold standard of assault units for SM. Perhaps I should pick up some of them instead of Cataphractii or Tartaros? Although knowing myself, I'll probably pick up a box of them all. A Marshal's household is never full, after all lol now, just to figure out how to get tabards on them all.. ;)

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In regards to the new patterns it really boils down to what you want them to do... the Cataphractii in my army are usually the scary distraction units when I need them... Deep Striking and unleashing a torrent of Bolter rounds before attempting to get into melee to unleash their claws and fists...


Tartaros patterns on the other hand are my usual back-up for Crusader Squads... they move at the same pace and as you've mentioned, Crusader lost some bite to their melee, and Crusader Squads unsupported by characters are usually supported by either this squad or a Dreadnought... trust me they are comparable to each other... Tartaros comes with Autocannons and usually power claws and fists... and stands right next to Crusaders to either cover their approach or help squash the enemy ranks...


Indomitus patterns (both types of them) are usually used when I need a Terminator Squad only dedicated to one task... the 2 new patterns sort of fulfill those tasks half-way... Assault Terminators with shields and claws for munching and squishing w/ Crusaders, Storm Bolter Terminators for Deep Striking

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In regards to the new patterns it really boils down to what you want them to do... the Cataphractii in my army are usually the scary distraction units when I need them... Deep Striking and unleashing a torrent of Bolter rounds before attempting to get into melee to unleash their claws and fists...


Tartaros patterns on the other hand are my usual back-up for Crusader Squads... they move at the same pace and as you've mentioned, Crusader lost some bite to their melee, and Crusader Squads unsupported by characters are usually supported by either this squad or a Dreadnought... trust me they are comparable to each other... Tartaros comes with Autocannons and usually power claws and fists... and stands right next to Crusaders to either cover their approach or help squash the enemy ranks...


Indomitus patterns (both types of them) are usually used when I need a Terminator Squad only dedicated to one task... the 2 new patterns sort of fulfill those tasks half-way... Assault Terminators with shields and claws for munching and squishing w/ Crusaders, Storm Bolter Terminators for Deep Striking

Thanks for the break down! I'll pick up a box of each this weekend. I'll let you guys know how it goes!

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I've become a really strong believer in the original Indomnitus Pattern Terminators. Why? Teleport Homers. I've now had multiple games where the teleport has saved my butt.


With the rapidly changing situations of the battlefield, the ability to effectively have your Terminators in two places at once is amazing. If they teleport in behind the enemy and, for example, fail a charge on a Knight or some other dangerous and fast unit, the opponent can negate them by simply continuing to move forward and charging or advancing, leaving the enemy many inches from where they were when you teleported in. That leaves your Terminators flat footed and struggling to engage with their 5 inch move.


It will really catch some opponents off guard as well when you have an objective in your deployment zone and suddenly Terminators teleport across the table to assault and contest it suddenly.


I've been finding that Terminators are a staple in my lists since 8th edition, but I think that may be due to me not having Sternguard or Vanguard vets.

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