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I want to make a LOW+heavy support DKOK list.


I will add to the army continuouesly, in the very end i will also begin to add infantry models. In the beginning however I will focus on LOW and heavy support since I love tanks.

I am completely new to DKOK, I would like to get suggestions on what I should buy.


Kind regards


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Hi Repentless

Welcome to the Barracks!

Sounds like this is more of potential sounding board / WiP thread so I will move it to the main barracks. 

If you have any questions that aren't address in other topics feel free to ask your fellow guardsmen for their insights.

Otherwise looking forward to the army you are looking to build! :biggrin.:

I'm just starting DKOK myself... I have a Knight Paladin which I think is a great compliment. So many great super heavies, but the Macharius is just so Krieg and so good.


I favor the look of the heavy tank version but I think Vulcan is gonna be a monster in 8th.

Edited by Chaplain Gunzhard

Currently my only superheavy is also a Knight paladin. While I'm not using krieg minis, I am using krieg rules, and the Paladin is a great addition. The Macharius would be good as well, though a Baneblade might be a bit more accessible.

I love my Macharius Vanquisher, I field it all the time.

Though I would say I've never used it's armour piercing shells.

The regular Macharius battle cannon inflicts d6 damage whilst the Vanquisher blast shells only does d3.

Seems daft but there it is!

Whichever tank you choose they are fantastic models and a fun to paint.

I love my Macharius Vanquisher, I field it all the time.

Though I would say I've never used it's armour piercing shells.

The regular Macharius battle cannon inflicts d6 damage whilst the Vanquisher blast shells only does d3.

Seems daft but there it is!

Whichever tank you choose they are fantastic models and a fun to paint.

The only thing is, I don't feel that the Macharius should be a LoW though. It doesn't seem particularly powerful, especially when compared to things like knights or baneblade chassis, or a lord of skulls, or titans or stompas or whatever. They just seem like bigger tanks. Now keep the points cost, but they might have been better as Heavy support like the Malcador.

I agree wholeheartedly!

I see them as a heavy tank rather than a full super heavy but as things stand that's what we have.

I would love them to be a Heavy Support choice, maybe we should petition Forge World!?

Honestly, I think that some things should be placed in different slots. I don't care if it's a superheavy tank, if it doesn't have more than armaments than a LRBT or is a big stompy robot of doom, it shouldn't be a LoW. That means the Crassus should be available as a dedicated transport, but cost it's full points. Just saying, unless it's a huge arsenal or a massive force multiplier, it shouldn't be a LoW.

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